This is an Dust Warfare scenario that I rewrote for my game groups upcoming Dust Tactics Campaign.
Night Engagement
Points Available for the Scenario: 200 points
Background: Command has decided to probe to the east. Hopefully this area will be lightly defended and allow us to bypass or out flank enemy forces. Command has also decided that this operation would have the best chance of success at night.
Setting up the Battle: Players dice to see who the Attacker is and who is Defender. Then players take turns placing terrain on the board. There must be at least 2 squares between pieces of terrain.
Fortifications: None
Deployment: Do to night engagement rules players will deploy stat cards on the board rather than models. Other than this deployment is as normal.
Initiative: Initiative is determined as normal.
Special Conditions: Reduced visibility rules. See bellow.
Rather than deploying models in the first turn players place the stat card face down in the square the unit is deploying on. Players also place marker such as a chip or die on top of vehicle cards.
The face down unit cards represents the soldier's inability to see through whatever is obscuring the battlefield. The obscuration may be caused by darkness, snow, dust, fog, and so on.
Even in obscured conditions. Vehicles are somewhat identifiable do to their size and the noise generated by their movement and engine. This is represented by placing a marker on the card symbolizing that the card represents a vehicle of some nature.
Line of sight may not be drawn to an infantry unit greater than 4 squares away from any type of unit.
Vehicles may fire and be fired upon as normal.
Once a unit fires it reveals itself and the model it fired on. The cards for both units are removed and replaced by the models they represent.
Game Length: 8 turns
Victory Conditions: Players receive victory points for each enemy unit that is completely destroyed. Player receives victory points equal to twice the point cost of each unit not revealed during the battle.