Hi all,
D20 and Saga followed WEG's inverse multiplier-speed relationship - to conform to Solo's claim that the Falcon gets ".5 past lightspeed". For those of you lucky b@erd$ who have the book already, how is hyperspace travel handled in EotE?
Hi all,
D20 and Saga followed WEG's inverse multiplier-speed relationship - to conform to Solo's claim that the Falcon gets ".5 past lightspeed". For those of you lucky b@erd$ who have the book already, how is hyperspace travel handled in EotE?
First, Hyperdrives are classed from 1 to 10 with 1 being the best. There is a table of standard transit times for various distances. The times are for a Class 1 drive. To figure the time for a lower class drive, simply multiply the time by the class number. A Class 2 drive takes twice as long, a Class 3 drive takes 3 times as long. etc. There may be drive mods that can decrease these times but I haven't read that section yet.
In the beta adventure, the transit times are given for a Class 1 drive. The starting starships that the players can select from all have a Class 2 main drive and a Class 10 backup drive (I believe).
Thanks for the info. Sounds virtually identical to previous treatments. I'm sure we can expect ship upgrades (in the final EotE release or a supplement) allowing for a .5 multiplier.
It's actually already in there, as a Hyperdrive ship upgrade. You have to be a really good mechanic to make the roll, which fits things.