Do I get Career & Bonus skills for a Specialization outside my initial Career/Specialization choice?

By KnightFysher, in Game Mechanics

I think the topic title captures my question. When I choose a 2nd/3rd specialization that is outside my original Career/Specialization choice, do I get the Career and Bonus skills or just the bonus skills?


Original Career is Hired-Gun, Marauder.

If I choose Colonist, Scholar, do I get the Colonist Career skills and Bonus skills or just the Scholar Bonus skills as Career skills?

KnightFysher said:

I think the topic title captures my question. When I choose a 2nd/3rd specialization that is outside my original Career/Specialization choice, do I get the Career and Bonus skills or just the bonus skills?


Original Career is Hired-Gun, Marauder.

If I choose Colonist, Scholar, do I get the Colonist Career skills and Bonus skills or just the Scholar Bonus skills as Career skills?

I think you just get the bonus skills from, the Specialization, as you're not buying into the whole career, just that particular specialization.

So for your example, you'd only get the bonus skills specific to Scholar, not the Colonist list.