The text (that I can find) is a bit ambiguous on what exactly gets upgraded in die pool when you spend a Destiny Point. When you spend a single destiny point do you upgrade just one ability die or your entire starting die pool?
Dice pool upgrades from Destiny Points…
By my reading, "Upgrade" as a term is used generally against the whole dice pool.
"I upgrade my attack dice on this check." "This upgrades the difficulty of that check." Or even "This upgrades that check 3 times."
Upgrade is an action you perform on a pool of dice.
If performed on positive dice, either:
1 ability die is turned into a proficiency die
Or, if there are no ability die left, add 1 ability die to the pool. Wash, rinse, and repeat (so upgrading a pool of 2 prof, 1 ability die 3 times results in a new pool of 4 proficiency dice).
The same is true with negative dice.
Just remember, if downgrading at the same time as upgrading, you handle upgrades first, then downgrades.
So by your interpretation you spend one Destiny Point to upgrade one die by one step. Right? Rather than one destiny point upgrades all of the dice in your pool by one step.
Helping hand…. "upgrade starting dice pool by one step."
I still read that as "apply one upgrade" to the pool, which by how the term is used in the system, either converts one die or adds a new ability die.
Okay. And that's the way I read it originally, too. But I started second guessing myself. When I went back and reread the phrase "upgrade the die pool" I sort of saw "die pool" as "all the dice you had in your hand." In other words, "change all the dice in your hand." I knew this would be cleared up with a simple example, but the book didn't provide any.