Bring on the Blink

By randomblink, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Look Fantasy Flight Games…

I love this card game you resurrected. You can tell by my username, my website, and more. I've still got over 13k cards from the original version of this game.

I've downloaded the Core Set rules, Card List, and Tournament Rules, and to my dismay I discoverd you guys screwed up.

There is no blink.

Now, I'mma let you finish with this Core Set Production Line… it's looking to be a great game. My fiance and I are stoked at the thought of picking up a core-set apiece once it hits the shelves. But Blink was the greatest card of the game ever, and if you don't bring it back, well… just bring it back please.


I appreciate that you're excited.

But if FFG releases a card that requires me to roll a die to use it, I'm out.

Considering how many different iterations Crypsis went through in playtest (I think 200), it is unlikely that they will release another icebreaker that breaks any ice soon.

As much as I would HATE to lose a new player to the best LCG there ever will be…

If it was up to me, "See ya!"

sydwys8 said:

Considering how many different iterations Crypsis went through in playtest (I think 200), it is unlikely that they will release another icebreaker that breaks any ice soon.

If this is true, then thank goodness for opaque card sleeves and old cards. It'll be house rules up in my server until FFG wakes up to the best card ever made.

I never was a fan of Blink, but I did like some of the randomness of die rolls in the original. Rio was definitely one of my favorite cards.


randomblink said:

As much as I would HATE to lose a new player to the best LCG there ever will be…

If it was up to me, "See ya!"

I see what you did there. aplauso.gif

Blink was pretty sweet, though.

DeathByLiche said:

I never was a fan of Blink, but I did like some of the randomness of die rolls in the original. Rio was definitely one of my favorite cards.

In world ruled by cash, Blink is the perfect choice for those high in smarts but low in dough.

Wouldn't blink be pretty ordinary without a reprint of weefle or shields?

sydwys8 said:

Considering how many different iterations Crypsis went through in playtest (I think 200), it is unlikely that they will release another icebreaker that breaks any ice soon.

They already have: Wyrm.

And, if Blink were brought back, I'm 100% confident FFG would figure out a card based randomization system (like past iterations of Crypsis had). In fact, they'd have to -- FFG does demand components be purchased after the fact, they intend a core to be token/utility complete.

However, that's a very speculative "if." Can you think of a method to return this Icebreaker to the game? I can't think of a method that wouldn't mill your deck. It would definitely be an Anarch program, though.

Anarchosyn said:

And, if Blink were brought back, I'm 100% confident FFG would figure out a card based randomization system (like past iterations of Crypsis had).

I think a powerful-yet-experimental/unstable icebreaker would be certainly fitting.

Treguard said:

I think a powerful-yet-experimental/unstable icebreaker would be certainly fitting.

And fit both the Anarchs and Shapers nicely.