Does anyone have any leads on when the Heroes of the SSU are supposed to be available?
Heroes of Soviet Union
I got my premium versions on Saturday. I would imagine the non-premium versions should be available in the next few weeks.
I saw the non-premiums for sale at Gencon so probably very soon.
Good. My SSU forces really need some heroes to help with the inevitable suppression, since they have to get in close.
I do believe the SSU Heroes pack is coming out this week.
And it looks like the airborne suit and transport are coming out next month. Excellent. I still do think it strange that the only SSU artillery is on a chibi airborne suit, but it's so effective, I can't complain!
I picked up the SSU Heroes at my local game shop today. It was nice to welcome Comrade Nikolai to his new home alongside my 2 Rifle Squads and Commisar.
I totally agree with you about the airdropped artillery. I shrug as well, look at the weapon specs, glance over at my radioman and smile.