Arkham Rumors- a wild speculation thread

By bioball, in Arkham Nights 2012

How about a wild speculation thread to share all of our wild hopes/dreams with other Arkham Nights travelers?

I think we'll see an Elder Sign expansion and I think it will pretty much be the Call of Cthulhu expansion released for ES: Omens. I have this feeling only because CoC seems to have a complete mix of new locations, investigators, and items plus alternate goals and win-mechanics. It seems like a complete package that could easily fit into small box (tarot cards and all) but because it has new monsters and a lot of stuff I don't think it would be quite Print-on-Demand.

As I said previously, unless I am grossly mistaken Elder Sign did really well for them (plus the new bounce from Wheaton's Table Top) I think it would be a good time to throw something out there, but maybe too niche for a Gen Con announcement.

Julia any link for this?
"IIRC, some time ago there were rumors of Launius designing two expansions for the game."

One of the drawings this year will be to help design an Elder Sign Expansion.

We'll get a "big box" expansion that will include 3-5 expansions packaged together centered round a mix of old and new GOOs much like the Yig and Cthulhu expansion.