Marching into an estabilished power area

By Nymeros, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game


i have a couple of questions about estabilished power areas,

1) When i march into a enemy estabilished area, does we battle?

2)if i get the area, does d gain 1 power poken?

No and No. Combat occurs only when there are enemy units.

waiting for the answers

I thought I had answered that…

Am I wrong?

You did -- I just searched Aimee's other posts, and not really sure why they are on these forums at all…

No, you are right…

If you march to an enemy established power area that does not have enemy units, no combat will result. You simply discard his power token to the power pool (not his available power tokens/hand) and do not gain any for yourself.

kauai1964 said:

You did -- I just searched Aimee's other posts, and not really sure why they are on these forums at all…

I just did after seeing your post, I think it is a bot. I have reported it.

these questions have been answered before here in these forums.

With few exceptions, combat does not occur when marching into an empty region. (the exceptions are a whole other beast, feel free to research that if you like)

A power token in the embattled region does not start combat.

After combat the token is returned to the pile (if the attacker was victorious) and not taken into your posession.