Starting up an Ordo Xenos campaign and since we have no Cell Directives, I thought I'd make one up. This would be mainly for a "standard" Inquisitor, hence the lack of things like Exotic Weapon training. Obviously the unique Talent is ripped off from Deathwatch. I am on the fence about including Tech-Use, as it would be useful in identifying Xenos tech, not sure how well it fits. I also toyed with Chem-Use as a way to identify Xenos toxins, but felt it was a little weak.
Ordo Xenos Retinue
Induction Cost : 200 xp
Requirements : The cell must serve an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor who provides additional training to them.
Suffer Not The Alien To Live : Members of the Cell gain the Ordo Xenos Conditioning Talent for free
Awareness 100 Skill
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) 100 Skill
Ciphers (Acolyte) 100 Skill
Secret Tongue (Acolyte) 100 Skill
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) 200 Skill
Search 200 Skill
Hatred (Xenos) 200 Skill
Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) 300 Skill
Forbidden Lore (Ordo Xenos) 300 Skill
Speak Language (any one Xenos) 300 Skill
Resistance (Fear) 300 Talent
Ordo Xenos Conditioning (Talent)
Acolytes with this Talent automatically confirm any Righteous Fury results against alien enemies without needing to re-roll the Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill Test.
Alternate : I also was thinking of doing a Talent that lets members count Fear caused by Xenos to be one step lower. That would replace the auto-confirm rules. Then probably swap Resistance (Fear) with Exotic Weapon Training (any One), but am undecided.