European Tournament CoC LCG, IRV Liège. Saturday 27th October 2012

By Gooki, in CoC Organized Play

European Tournament CoC LCG, IRV Liège. Saturday 27th October 2012

During the 30th International Rendez-Vous (IRV) of the Objectif-Jeux association ( ), the organization staff, leaded by Frédéric Taton, suggests that you take part to the European CoC Championship in Liège, as well as to side events. An international event with great prizes you would not want to miss.

Last year, the tournament gathered 26 players from all over the world (including Graham Hill, from Japan). You can read a full review (in French, but with a lot of pictures) there:

Here is the whole lot of us:

Informations about this year's edition are gathered in the following ad (the design might change, but the data should remain stable):

We thank Nessa for her very nice work on this ad (other works available at ).


  • The 6th and last AP from Revelations cycle "Touched by the Abyss" is tournament legal , as written there:
  • FAQ, 2.3.1 will also be in application:]
  • Suiss pairing, 45 minutes. Second player will be allowed to play an extra turn if the game ends during the first player's turn. After that, the player that has won the more stories wins.

Travel advices

Note that Liège has an international railway station (direct connections with, e.g. Paris, Köln, Frankfurt) and is not far away from the international Brussels Airport (Belgium is a very small country) and Flughafen Frankfurt .

Special Event will be played Sunday 28th October 2012 from 11:00am. Free participation, prizes for every participant.

We will play an original variant design by Achil, from Liège cultists: Ticking Clock and Hidden Stories. It adds a few twists which
- makes the game less predictable (hidden stories and mandatory to trigger when won),
- gives temporary advantages to some factions depending of the moment of the day/night (dawn --> day --> twilight --> night --> dawn -->…)
- and makes the Day/Night cards more versatile .

Rules, new story cards and new cards necessary for this variant are downloadable here:

An AWESOME tournament near where I live, organized by a cool community and, last but not least, on my birthday???

I'll be there :DDD


Cool, bring cake for everyone!

Sure we will prepare a special cake for the occasion. Not only for Francesco (konx), bu for the IRV as well, because it is the 30th one. IRV is the game convention of Objectif Jeux, which kindly hosts the European Championship for the second year, in agreement with Wolfgang "Thorondor" Penetsdorfer.

Anyone knows how I can edit my OP?

Click the 'Report to Moderator' link on your post, then copy the url and replace 'edge_foros_reportar.asp' with 'edge_foros_editar.asp'. This should allow you to get around the five minute timeout for editing your posts.

Thank you very much indeed (note how lenght restrictions on messages lets you get stg meatier than an bare "thanks").

mzi said:

Thank you very much indeed (note how lenght restrictions on messages lets you get stg meatier than an bare "thanks").



Special Event will be played Sunday 28th October 2012 from 11:00am. Free participation, prizes for every participant.

We will play an original variant design by Achil, from Liège cultists: Ticking Clock and Hidden Stories. It adds a few twists which
- makes the game less predictable (hidden stories and mandatory to trigger when won),
- gives temporary advantages to some factions depending of the moment of the day/night (dawn --> day --> twilight --> night --> dawn -->…)
- and makes the Day/Night cards more versatile .

Rules, new story cards and new cards necessary for this variant are downloadable here:

wow. cool idea europe! hope your tournament is a smashing success.

Thanks piszcadz. In fact, last year European Championship (already organised in Liège) was seemingly the biggest Call of Cthulhu tournament in the World in terms of participants: 26 players…

I hope we will do as good as last year…


FFG officially announces the Euro Champ on their webpage:


Tournament Rules: Official FFG rules, including FAQ 2.2. (restricted list fully applied)

Tournament Legal Cards: all LCG cards, up to the last edited AP " Touched by the Abyss" included.

Tournament Story Deck: from the AP "The Shifting Sands"

Inclusion of "Touched by the Abyss" AP is in contradiction to the current Tournament Rules (2.3).

Note also that folks in most (or all) parts of Europe, would have to order from the US, if they wanted to have those cards.

I confirm that the 6th and last AP from Revelations cycle "Touched by the Abyss" is tournament legal, as written there:

" Only one small, but important change was made to the Tournament Rules; the Asylum Pack CT58 Touched by the Abyss was added into the official tournament card pool . "

It has been added in the version 2.3.1 of Tournament rules (see link here above)

It is available in Liège since last month, so really it is not more difficult to get it than any other previous AP.

FAQ, 2.3.1 will also be in application (same link as above)

Please note that the Tournament rules were update after my post.

Anyway, it's nice that all of the packs are available in Belgium. They aren't in Germany! I ordered the ones I wanted from the US. Not sure whether they will get here in time. Maybe I can arrange to pick them up in Liege, if the delivery from the US doesn't arrive. Can you tell be the name of the shop there, please?

L'Autre Monde is the local "dealer"

Thank you very much, mzi!

Hello Dark Initiate.

Sorry, I did not want to sound harsh or whatever.

I think Joffrey, the owner from L'Autre Monde (rue Hors-Chateau 20, Liège) will be at the Game Con (he is somewhat associated with the Club Objectif Jeux to organise the IRV Game Con, And I'm sure he will bring some AP to sell during the Con, I'll ask him to do so).

Anyway, missing one or two last APs is not a big deal, I'm sure that you can do very efficient decks without these AP's as well. gui%C3%B1o.gif Cards description are available on DeckBuilder and CardgameDB, and feel free to ask for borrowing some card you could need from us, we would be more than happy to help you to finish to build your deck. All we want is happy players playing what they wish to play in the best conditions.

And the competition will be top level, with 2009, 2010 and 2011 Euro Champions, 2009 French Champ, 2011 finalist,…

We are more than happy to receive the support of FFG. Again, the Euro champ will design his card, and this year will have free access to Worlds Champ (excluding travel and hostels expanses) and will have first round bye.

In addition, we have a lot of nice prizes, everyone will come back at home with a gift, thanks to FFG, EagleCard, l'Autre Monde and Objectif Jeux.

See you there, starting friday 26 october evening with chat, free play, socializing, famous belgian beers tasting,…

and saturday 27 october in the morning 10:00am, for final registration and decklist checks, tournament will start at 11:00am.

Finally sunday, for a fun and somewhat chaotic variant (ticking clock and hidden stories)


D-day minus two…


thx to FFG, Objectif Jeux, l'Autre Monde and EagleCrd for their kind support. Everyone had a blast and grabbed cool prizes thanks to them.

Thx to the whole organisation team for the help in making things running as smoothly as possible.

Final Ranking European Championship - Call of Cthulhu LCG, 27th october, 2012 (Liège Asylum):

1. Damien (B_P) - B
2. Minas (Durango) - B
3. mzi - B
4. Max (Mr Patate) - B
5. Wolfgang (Thorondor) - A
6. Paul (Dark Initiate) - CAN
7. Vincent (Darkman) - NL
8. Roberto (Carioz) - I
9. Arnaud (Arcanis) - B
10. PlasticXO - F
11. Gilles (jekothalep) - L
12. Graham - JP
13. Francesco (konx) - I
14. Christian K. - D
15. Michael (jhaelen) - D
16. Stéphane (Evil) - B
17. Jonathan (Achil) - B
18. Christian G. - D
19. Fred (FredhoT) - B
20. Supa - B
21. Bryan - B
22. Kris (bearpaw) - B
23. Raymond - B
24. Florentin (Myotaro) - L

Sunday "Side Event" ranking (ticking clock & hidden stories):

1. Jon (Achil)
2. Damien (B_P)
3. Supa
4. Minas (durango)
5. Raymond
6. Fred (FredhoT)
7. Wolfgang (thorondor) puis Loïc
8. Bryan
9. Christian K. (2 rondes sur 4)
10. Michael (2 rondes sur 4)

Are we going to see some of the decks posted?

dboeren said:

Are we going to see some of the decks posted?

Also, Jonathan played COCLCG's Dark Byakhee deck (unmodified as far as I could tell) which you may have already seen here and over at CardGameDB.

I'm confident several players will post their decklists either here or at the Cenacle. I'll post links if I find any.

I also plan on giving a short personal report about the tournament.

Awesome tournament, as always! Great organization, great location and, most important, great people :) It's always nice to meet the european cthulhu community :)

This year my deck sucked! I saw the new cards (especially Necronomicon) only 10 days before the tournament, and the moment I saw the shub-necro I panicked. Great card, combo enabler and in general a complete no-go for my deck that I've been playtesting. With only 1 week available I couldn't find an apppropriate solution and that has been obvious the day of the tournament, sigh. ^^ I decided to play a more streamlined Cthulhu-Yog deck, counting on a bit more early rounds pressure but it didn't work (zero playtest = you lose).

I want to congratulate to Damien again…very interesting metagame choice!

if someone will be in Stahleck, see you there…or otherwise, see you for the regional season :)

Francesco / Konx

Konx said:

I want to congratulate to Damien again…very interesting metagame choice!

Francesco / Konx


I'll explain my choices for my deck, but I don't know when I'll do it (before or after the worlds).

It was a great tournament. I always meet some really interesting people and interesting decks.

And I'm really happy to win this European tournament. Last time I won a big one tournament was 4 years ago. It was about time! :D

wow. haha. didnt realise the dark byakhee sucked so much ( though it does take a bit to get used to ). do you know if he played the same deck on the sunday ?? either he did and just had a bad day on the saturday ( or got some practice with it ), or he trashed it and found a better one !! sorry Jonathon for the poor performance. i hope the top spot on sunday was some consolation and you got some goodies.

can't wait for some lists !!