So, the other night we played this one and came upon an interesting situation. The hero who had the casket was knocked out, but when it happened he was sorrounded on all sides by enemies, one of which being the baron. Now the rules say that the casket is supposed to be placed in an adjacent empty space, but there was no legal place for it to go. We werent sure what to do, but ruled that since the baron hadnt gone yet he was able to pick it up.
Another thing that happened was that I blocked the the middle river tile with monsters and one hero wanted to use the river edge to swim, not that he manage to succede his role with an awareness of 2. Since he was the necromancer he figured that if he had succeded then he would be in limbo between the two tiles and could then summon the reanimate on the other tile to clear the space for him to come in. I obviously disagreed with this interperetation of things, but thankfully it never came up.