Request for a Beta FAQ

By player266669, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

As the community pores over the beta book, we've generated a lot of good questions without clear answers. This might already be planned and underway, but if not, I'd like to request that the design team consider assembling a Beta FAQ to address some of the issues the community has raised.

If it will help, I'm sure we can compile a list. A few off the top of my head would be:

+ Are derived stats like Wound Threshold and Strain Threshold determined before or after spending XP during character creation?

+ Exactly what gear and credits does a new character begin play with?

+ Is it possible to improve Force Rating? If so, how is this done?

+ Are melee attacks resolved using an opposed check, as the Skill decsription states, or a Routine difficulty check as the combat chapter states? (My wording on the difficulty check might wrong, I don't have my book handy).

I'm sure there are many other questions out there that would be good additions to a Beta FAQ.

Agreed. I think it may even be time to consider an unofficial errata file so we can compile all spelling/grammatical errors, and any other issues we find in one place.


Gallandro said:

Agreed. I think it may even be time to consider an unofficial errata file so we can compile all spelling/grammatical errors, and any other issues we find in one place.


This is being done in the proofreading thread where there's a sticky topic for each chapter. We should keep that forum focused only on typographical errors and let actual gameplay and other issues be discussed in the other forums.