Supernatural Themed Expansion

By AbsoluteShadow, in Fan Creations

My friends and I are huge fans of the show "Supernatural". The show touches on crazy enough topics that we thought it plausible to have the characters get shifted through dimensions and time and end up in a Lovecraftian alternate reality. Anyhow I would like peoples opinions on balance, difficulty and overall cleverness. Thanks in advance for any advice.

The real uniqueness comes in how the 4 Horseman interact with the board.
mOf2a.jpg xdyc1.jpg Oi6CH.jpg REnwq.jpg
Death functions as both the Herald, and Guardian for a game with Lucifer as GOO.
The rest function like powerful monsters with board abilities
: ztVDU.jpg tr4ce.jpg bepnG.jpg
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UbyTN.jpg 6Dw6n.jpg rnHAr.jpg
Please let me know what you guys think!!!

bump. Hoping to get some input!!

Oh and I forgot to mention…possession is a new mechanic I made for the set. Essentially if you fail the combat check on Cultists your character gets moved to the LiTaS zone. While there you can do nothing until another investigator kills the cultist, freeing you from possession. Essentially the cultist carries you around with him trapping you in a mobile prison. I just found that I needed somewhere to put the investigator marker because moving him with the Cultist was cumbersome; ergo I opted to just have them "mentally" lost in time and space. Also, while possessed you have the option of treating it as if you were devoured and drawing a new character. Essentially like the scenario wherein you have too many injuries.

I like the general idea, but it looks a bit overcomplicated as is. Separating the mythos deck, text that does not fit on a monster chit and need an additional reference card (if you do them I'd suggest at least doing more then one like for the Dunwhich Horror)….

I'm not sure how to simplify it really….I want each horseman to be unique and powerful. Unfortunately there is no baseline for a monster with abilities like this, but I didn't wanted to create four Heralds either ya know? As it is I figured that each one having a unique combat card was pretty cool. I intend to create unique backs for them too so that its a three card "Horseman Deck" of sorts.

Edited: Pestilence's Combat Card should be the following: tDQ8n.jpg

As a fan of the show, I really enjoy this idea. Have you play tested it at all? Sounds tough as nails. I personally dont mind the extra pieces and dont find it that difficult to manage. in fact I would encourage you to expand the idea a bit more.

I would love to see a Castielle mechanic come into play. Maybe something to do with being able to teleport to locations in need.

Also where are the character cards? no Dean and Sam players? Maybe Castielle is another player character? What about Bobby? or you could go another route and make these guys allies? depends on how you implement it.

It seems like alot of work to go around getting all the rings and without the weather cards in the deck i fear the gates would open at an incredible rate making it even more tough. maybe a mechanic to slow that or more dooms on lucifers track are needed? its hard to say without playtesting.

The idea is great and I think it does fit the game theme nicely. I also like the ideas that the players have mini quests to do, like get the rings, instead of just running around sealing gates, but unfortunately theres nothing stopping them from ignoring all the new mechanics and going for a seal victory, other than tougher monsters.

I think Castiel would be a Guardian, and other investigators would be Bobby and the girl who owned the bar and her daughter. I forget their names.

Alright here is some of the characters. Balancing is underway so I may change them with time.

Sam Winchester:
FeDdF.jpg 1nHlU.jpg


l3rP8.jpg 5unBL.jpg YX009.jpg
Dean Winchester
tAkhB.jpg rj2lC.jpg%5B
lvlKL.jpg 5EMxR.jpg GC06o.jpg fj1F5.jpg
Bobby Singer
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3kd32.jpg xE9S4.jpg M3iPD.jpg
0LM0L.jpg klk38.jpg GPwZh.jpg uE6kL.jpg
3J1Wb.jpg EdtSm.jpg 5iXYe.jpg
His pass is worded oddly but essentially treat seals as if they had been made with an elder sign.
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I actually didn't make these; a good friend of mine inspired the Lucifer GOO with these 5 characters. Just a note, some of them look a little weird as these were actually done before we discovered Strange Eons, so they are mostly Photoshopped. I'm in the process of redoing them, balancing them a bit, and updating the printed lore to make everything a bit more smooth. Again, any input would be great guys!

We have play tested this and as it stands the only problem with the set is that if you get rid of the 4 Horseman, Lucifer is pretty slow. I'm thinking about linking doom tokens to the terror tracks, or linking possessions/devours to the terror track to make it a bit more intense. Also considering changing the colt so that it requires a mission to be obtained