Playing a 2 player game the other night, and, we had this happen. Got to the final room, and, the blip piles ran out. What do you do in this case? We just kept adding genestealers as they spawned, but, that didn't seem right. Not adding the genestealers didn't seem right either. Any ideas?
Final location blip piles
"Players can also win by eliminating all Genestealers
in the formation and in both blip piles while at the
final Location. As soon as they fulfil one of these
conditions, all players win the game." (p. 10)
Once the blip piles are empty, no more GS arrive (apart from the Swarm Event adding more GS to blip piles), so just wipe out the formation and claim a win.
Fantastic, thanks for the info. Seems like we had a pretty easy game, not a lot of spawns.