First SSU KV-47 walker finished

By Poe4, in Dust Warfare


I've got a couple of SSU walkers and I finally sat down and finished the first one. This involved using drybrushing on a large scale, something I had pretty much abandoned since the mid-nineties but it came out quite well I'm happy to say! :)

It was fun using pigments and stippling on paint chippings. Now I'm really looking forward to doing the other two… just need to get some more Devlan Mud-esque shader…

As always, more pictures and words at my blog .

That looks really good, nice work. The new name for "devlan mud" is Agrax earthshade or something like that.

Thanks for the kind words! I tried out some different inks (didn't like Agrax) and finally settled on Army Painters Strong Tone wash. It's virtually identical to the old Devlan Mud, but has the added benefit of never drying gloss. Truly great stuff!

Bit of a necro here but as I've been busy painting I think it's justified. I painted two more KV-47s (including Gran'ma) and the other day I sat down and speed painted three infantry squads as well. This was something quite unfamiliar for me as I usually take a long time on each miniature, but seeing as the DW infantry is a bit… less sophisticated than, say, Infinity miniatures I felt it was the way to go.

What we've got so far…


Now the infantry aren't 100% done (50% perhaps). The plan is to paint all the infantry to this level and then go back later to add details and generally polish them a bit. Next up will be either more infantry or a couple of helicopters.

first: fantastic paintjob!! real nice work.

second: what colours did u use? brandname and exact colourname.

I am new to Dust Warfre and want to paint my army as much in the exact colours of FF. Perhaps u can help me?

Did u finish more? Infantry or choppers? I like to see some pictures of them if possible.

Greetings and continue with the good painting you have done