Hurry up and get here!!!

By Ski, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

So checked my status with ups…out for delivery since 7:35 this morning. 1:55 pm right now!!! Wish I could have picked it up from the ups office instead lol….just venting… ;) Hope everyone is looking forward to playing and is eager as I am :)


Good luck getting it!

Mine finally arrived in the country. Now it's "in customs". Gods know how long that'll be. I'm guessing Tuesday at the earliest. *le sigh*

i hear that if you stare at your mailbox for hours on end, it speeds up the arrival =P

I know what you mean. I just found out about this today and I ordered it immediately. Art is amazing, reminds me of my original 1980's star wars action figures and the adventures I would have with them. Can't wait for this thing to get here so that I can GM an awesome campaign for my friends. May the Force be with you all.

ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Venthrac said:

i hear that if you stare at your mailbox for hours on end, it speeds up the arrival =P

RIGHT!!??? ;)

Ski said:

ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Lucky for some. :( Was hoping that mine would be here today, but I doubt that it'll be here before Monday now.

Mine arrived this afternoon. I've been reading it non-stop :)

I feel like I'm in the same boat as you guys.

I ordered my copy on the 20th and it's been Pending Shipping since my last check, about 5 minutes ago.

FFG says it's gonna ship RSN, but I WANT IT NOW!

I got so desperate last night that I even watched The Phantom Menace last night and I'll be watching Attack of the Clones tonight, after my regularly scheduled failure at one of Vech's CTM Minecraft maps…

Coincidentally, my play group just finished off an Epilogue adventure using SWd20 for a long running campaign arc that went back all the way to d6.

I'm hoping that we'll like the new rules enough to start up a new run.

Still waiting on my book. :( As it's Sunday tomorrow, and I don't think it wise to expect any sort of mail then, I'll be crossing my fingers for Monday. If it's not here by then… I'll be crying. Loudly. And will be wondering why the hell I spent more than the book's own cost for fast delivery when I've received cheaper mail, faster. >:/ Bah to my impatience!