"The Silicone Cup: Battle for the Bay" UFS Regional Tournament in Santa Clara, CA!!!!

By blankadude, in UFS Fan Announcements

Right now, it's me and 1 other dude, with a potential 1-3 others.

Big Ups for AZ being repp'd in Cali by Archimedes and crew.

Any others?? Tadar Salad, where are you from?

I'm from Sacramento, CA. Unfortunetely the other biggest UFS player in our area can't come due to work conflicts, neither will his GF. I will hopefully be bringing another UFS regular, and im working on dragging down our two newest recruits.

Before I forget does anybody have any of these cards they can bring to trade/borrow: 2xSardines Beach Special, 3x Reanimated, 3x Mentally Unstable, 1x Blood Runs True. Also will heep snipe be legal for this event?

Tader Salad said:

I'm from Sacramento, CA. Unfortunetely the other biggest UFS player in our area can't come due to work conflicts, neither will his GF. I will hopefully be bringing another UFS regular, and im working on dragging down our two newest recruits.

Before I forget does anybody have any of these cards they can bring to trade/borrow: 2xSardines Beach Special, 3x Reanimated, 3x Mentally Unstable, 1x Blood Runs True. Also will heep snipe be legal for this event?

Hey Man, great news indeed! Bring who ya can, regardless of UFS Experience; this is one experience anyone will be thankful for!!!

I have 2x Sardines Beach Special that I don't mind trading for, as well as 3x Mentally Unstable(s). I don't own any Reanimated and i only have a playset of BRT's, which I will most likely be using that day. Still, this helps, no? gran_risa.gif

Set 12 will be legal for this event, yes?

yes, set 12 will be legal. whoot!!

I will be having a crew of at least 3 representing So-Cal.

There is only one question.

Will there be any chance of making the Team tournament earlier, cause I mean 4-9pm is too late and the fact that all of us have school the next day does not help?

There is a slight possibility of Teams starting earlier. The problem is a matter of available space. GK has a very dedicated Pokemon league that plays on Sundays, and we'd be competing for space with them.

yes, as Rockstar stated, our store has an extremely dedicated pokemon league. i will speak to the management this weekend to see what can be done.

I demand pics of the new poster

Smazzurco said:

I demand pics of the new poster

Brandyn or i will try and get a picture of it and post on this Thread by Monday, cool?? It looks WICKED!!!!

Can ANYBODY point me in the direction of a few cheap hotels within a reasonable distance of the tournament?

As it is right now, this is team Arizona's plan

1) Leave on Friday in the midafternoon

2) Arrive in California sometime around 3 in the morning


4) Crash in hotel, get some sleep

5) Wake up, play tournament.

Uhhhrrggg. Just found out today the person interested in coming with me can't. So that most likely means I'm coming alone. I plan on getting a hotel room for Sat night, then checking out sunday morning and going to teams event. If anyone is interested in sharing a room sat night let me know. Nothing fancy, I most likely will find one after I get down there Sat. and talk to a bunch of ppl.

On another note, I need teammates for the team event on Sun. If any team is looking for a third person or your a just another "drifter" like myself, lets talk :)

P.S. If anyone has Reanimated for trade I will love you forever.

Tader Salad said:

P.S. If anyone has Reanimated for trade I will love you forever.

Have you seen what the new sets do to victor? It saddens me. I really wanted to play him at PotM but now idk...

Tader Salad said:

On another note, I need teammates for the team event on Sun. If any team is looking for a third person or your a just another "drifter" like myself, lets talk :)

Hey Man, Smazzurco and I are planning on running a Team together. How about you join up with us? gran_risa.gif

also man i live in santa cruz, which is about 45min away from the event. My place is small and i dont have a ton of room, but you could crash on my couch or whatever to save on the hotel. Especially if you gonna do teams with us, cause at least that way we can work it out a bit that night.

let me know

I would love to join your team. Smazzurco, I'm not sure where santa cruz is in relation to Santa Clara. Is there any way you could post the address of a place next to your house (or an intersection; anything I can plug into mapquest with zip code and everything for directions). Maybe that will give me a general idea :)

P.S. If you guys want to email me at [email protected] with what you intend to play in teams I can do my best to not conflict with you guys. (I believe there is an 8x rule for any card if im correct?)

Archimedes said:

Can ANYBODY point me in the direction of a few cheap hotels within a reasonable distance of the tournament?

Ask and you shall receive...http://events.mercurynews.com/santa-clara-ca/venues/show/856578-game-kastle...lookin' forward to seein you and your AZ crew next weekend, man!!!

Im about 30miles south of the event. Corner of 17th ave and capitola rd is right down the street from my house.

Also there is no pic of the poster yet. blasphemy!!!

30 miles south of santa clara? That's practically the opposite direction from where I'm coming from :(

As it looks right now I'm going to be driving down Sat. morning to show up in time for legacy. After the main tourney, I'm going to scout around for a cheap hotel. I wanna stay in the local area so I can sleep in on Sun. :) If anyone is interested in sharing a room just let me know in person when we're down there (I'm not booking anything). Or if your local and you just want to shoot the sh*t about UFS for a while drop by.

I am going to try to get a picture up of the new poster this evening. so you can stop your complaining. haha. and as for the legacy/team/and regional events, i will have my full collection available for people to pull what they need for the event. also, i'm looking into getting pizzas from the nearby COSTCO for lunch/dinner/4th meal for sat. is this something that you would be interested in having? and if so, could i ask if everyone could chip in $5 for the overhead? GK has tons of drinks and munchies, so we got that aspect covered.

I totally missed that this was coming up until today. I am working my tail off trying to see who in my play group can come...but everyone is sleeping...lazy punks...anyway, if all goes well, there will be 6 or so of us coming, depending on if one of my friends can get the day off on Sunday or not. I am very VERY excited about this. Also, will this be considered the WCC or will that be at a different time and place?

Also, for Archimedes....I Lost the Game =P

I think we all know where I stand on the Game.

Ummm.... I guess I'll go. Represent S.F, even though we disbanded and I quit the game. I figure I can get my kicks in one last time. This will actually be my first tourney since last year...Haha. Hope I still got it.

Oh, if anybody's looking to pick up a scrub for teams, lemme know. I'm not completely bad!! Maybe half-bad, but that's it! I swear! Ask Rockstar or Brynsul.

Well well, so after a day of planning, I can confirm that myself and 4 others are for sure coming. I am working on one more.