The King in Yellow Folio

By pleechu, in CoC Rules Discussion

Ok, I have some questions about this Tome:



1. Does it changes all story icons into Terror icons [something like Icon Boorst'er] and every struggle is counted as Terror Struggle?

2. or every struggle is normally counted by Terror icons [Combat by Terror, Arcane by Terror and go on…]?

3. If I attach this Tome to Character with Arcane icon [Victoria Glasser for instance] does she Exhaust after winning the story with this Tome or is she exhausted?

I hope I made my self clear:]

Every struggle becomes T struggle.

There will be no C struggle so no character will be wounded.

There will be no I struggle so no additional success.

There will be no A struggle (book) so no character will be readied.

There will be 4 T struggles. Counting T icons and forcing insane.

1 Yes

2 No

3 She is exhausted., books (A icons) only helps you win A struggle, that allows you (not mandatory) to ready one character committed to given story.

What Im not sure is:

- are struggles from boosters (like lighting gun) also changed to T (i think yes, but i'm not sure)

- if tome is destroyed after committing but before resolving story. Does it still change all to T or not
(no idea here, most passives of this kind need some timing+duration clarification IMO)

Thanks for help, there's all clear now.

.Zephyr. said:

What Im not sure is:

- are struggles from boosters (like lighting gun) also changed to T (i think yes, but i'm not sure)

- if tome is destroyed after committing but before resolving story. Does it still change all to T or not
(no idea here, most passives of this kind need some timing+duration clarification IMO)

1. I think yes also, it's still a struggle at that story so why wouldn't it be?

2. Once the Tome is no longer at the story then its effects would be over. So if someone played an Event that uncommitted the character, destroyed the character or Tome, etc… then the struggles would happen as normal.

Ok, so maybe lets spice this example a bit.

I have a guy with Folio. Opponent commits guy with T and uses his Hastur to remove all my T icons. I lose T struggle. I chose tome carrier to go insane. Tome is destroyed as an effect of first T struggle. Are other struggles still T struggles or do they go back to being C/A/I immediately?

(btw: I have similar problem with Mr. David Pan going insane/killed during resolution. His text:
When resolving struggles at a story that Mr. David Pan is committed to, count the total skill of all participating characters instead of the icons to determine the winner of each struggle.)


Also i'm not that sure about your proposition either. Card says all struggles at story where attached character is committed become T struggles. If it happens when character is commited i'm not that sure does uncommiting him immediately ends effect or does will all struggles be changed till the end of phase anyway. Your version makes sense, but i don't see why is keeping struggles changed a wrong way to play. Any convention? Similar cards with official explanations? Rules i missed?

If the ability that is causing the change leaves lay the effect immediately ends as worded. The only way it would works otherwise is if it was phrased in a way that gives a specific duration separate from the commitment status.

When the wording is something to the effect of "while X is committed" it last only as long as that character is committed. If it says "after X is committed" then it would be a lasting effect instead of a continuous effect.

The Chess Prodigy's passive ability is an example of an effect that lingers even after it is uncommited or destroyed. It says "When Chess Prodigy commits …"


Thanks for answer.