Past star wars rpg books

By Ski, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Just curious to see how far back you guys go. :) Im linking a pic of all my rpg books. Had to use my deviant art page to post the pick but ya. Rpg collection of Starwars


Most impressive.

yeah my set of books looks just like that, I have every edition of WEG and all their books, all WOTC's books/editions and now adding FFG's book (when it gets here.)

Just the one shelf? :)

I have a collection much like that. Sadly, most of it's in storage because I just don't have the shelf space for RPG books I'm unlikely to ever use. I do keep certain gems handy though, like the Bounty Hunter book, Fragments from the Rim and the Imperial Sourcebook.

If I can convince people to play EotE, I may have to dig more of them up for reference material. :D

For Star Wars: I had the first edition book back in the day, but back then was too attached to D&D and could not get my head around how much better D6 was, so I never really got back into until recently.

As for the d20 system, I always felt the d20 was a horrible system for anything with guns, so I never really got any of it. We played "Sidewinder" once… 2 guys, 6 rounds of combat, both close range in the middle room, 12 misses. There is realism for you. partido_risa.gif Seriously though, it is mentally easy to imagine this happening with sword… not with guns.

As for gaming… I had the original D&D Basic Boxed Set back in the day (the purple-ish one with the Dragon) and the original printing of Gamma World. Wish I had those today… but they were not really in very good shape by the time I got rid of them. Heh.

My old Star Wars collection has been whittled down over the years. I've got the revised core rule-book (the blue one with shiny darth) because the original simply fell apart, Rebel Alliance and Imperial Sourcebooks, bounty hunters, tramp freighters, and a couple of my favorite adventures (Tatooine Manhunt, Isis Coordinates & Scavenger Hunt). Everything else was either given to friends, traded away or succumbed to the ravages of time (and destructive toddlers).

I do have most of the d20 stuff (both versions), but I didn't end up owning Saga edition.

Nice to see such a healthy collection live and well there Ski.

At some point in time I have had every swRPG book ever made. That said, I tend not to hold onto "junk" so when the line is revised, or a new company takes it over, I start removing the older edition. I do keep some books, like all the species book from D20, and WEG, and I still have all the SAGA books though we stopped playing it due some of my players munchkining their characters to death and making it not fun for the rest of the group, and the DM.


My RPG-books can be viewed in 2.05 - 2.40 in the following Youtube-link of my books:

I will be proud to add FFG's books to my collection!!!

Eddie1969 said:

My RPG-books can be viewed in 2.05 - 2.40 in the following Youtube-link of my books:

I will be proud to add FFG's books to my collection!!!

Holy Moses! If I had that much star wars crap, my wife would cripple me. Pretty cool though, I must say.


lol thats why my wife agrees to me having a man cave…or what I call Batcave. :)

$hamrock said:

Eddie1969 said:

My RPG-books can be viewed in 2.05 - 2.40 in the following Youtube-link of my books:

I will be proud to add FFG's books to my collection!!!

Holy Moses! If I had that much star wars crap, my wife would cripple me. Pretty cool though, I must say.


I wish I had nearly that much lol :)

That's why I have everything stored away in the attic of our home, so my wife and two younglings aren't 'confronted' by it that much! ;)