A game where there is a mystery to be solved, a conspiracy is afoot, and the "keeper" (conspirator?) will use the dark side of the hero's past and personality to cripple and confound them. would love to see a car chase "mini-game" integrated somehow. heros can spend time or other resources to get in touch with their light side, protecting them from conspirators insidious attacks or even granting bonuses. gumshoes can also, with risk and diligence, attempt to expose the conspiracy, which will hinder the conspirator in some way for the rest of the game.
Android game in same genre as mansions of madness and decent?
Yes! I agree. In fact, I think that FFG should put ALL of their games on Android. I have Elder sign and will get the expansion to that, and probably "that is my fish" just to encourage FFG to put more games on Android.
Here is my wish list
Death Angel
Blood Bowl team manager
Lord of the Rings living card game
Lord of the Rings the Confrontation
Warhammer Invasion
Heck, just put all of them on Android, I will buy them.
Well, to get back to the board game "Android," yeah, that would be cool. A murder mystery in a futuristic mansion or neighborhood with different tiles would be great.
Ooooops. Sorry, I got confused by which android you were talking about. Let me move to an app thread…
Or an Android tactical miniature game.
With Catalyst releasing a Shadowrun miniatures game, a Shadowrun board game, and a Shadowrun card game this year, I don't think now is the time to release something like this. Maybe next year or the year after to see if there will be a market and prevent unnecessary competition.
I'd love to see the full blown Arkham Horror, and even a more story based game like Mansions of Madness on Android.
Heck, I'd love to see Wiz War on there too, and I think that would be GREAT for online multiplayer and such.
I've bought Elder Sign: Omens and all expansions, as well as "Hey! That's My Fish!" on Android, and love them. I'll buy anything else FFG puts out on Android devices, as those 2 alone so far were VERY Solid and show they truly care about making great digital versions of their board games.
I'm loving Netrunner and it would cool to see the Android universe in other games. But, I must admit, it's hilarious how many people took this thread to mean the Android smartphones. I didn't even think that myself and was confused when I saw the first post, thinking they were just going nuts and wanted all of FFG's games to be replaced with Android (game) versions of them.
An Android RPG is what's missing. Cyberpunk 2020 was good for its time, but now so dated...