A sticky thread for editing and proofreading comments on Chapter X - Adversaries .
Chapter X - Adversaries
Here are some suggested revisions for
Chapter X: Adversaries
. Obviously, these are only suggestions, and I could be completely wrong. Also, some suggestions may be contrary to design intent, for example suggestions to talents. Also, corrections to page numbers are probably unnecessary given those are likely to change with the addition of flavor and art.
page 195, col 1, para 3 - “The only real threat they pose is in numbers, and they are not expected to stand to to toe with a PC.” Changed Player Character to PC.
page 195, col 2, para 2 - “GMs can pit individual minions against PCs.” Changed Player Characters to PCs.
page 195, col 2, para 2 - “The GM should only do this if he wishes to . . .” Changed “GMs” to “The GM” to match “if he wishes.”
Minion Rules
page 196, col 1, para 2 - “On thing that makes minions significantly weaker than PCs is their lack of skills.” Changed Player Characters to PCs.
page 196, col 1, para 2 - “A minion’s profile lists several skills . . .” Changed “list” to “lists” to match the subject “A minion’s profile.”
page 196, col 1, para 3 - “For example, a unit of five minions . . .” changed “inions” to “minions.”
page 196, col 2, para 1 “Henchmen are more dangerous than minions, but still inferior to most PCs. Henchmen are similar to PCs in many respects . . .” Changed Player Characters to PCs.
Henchmen Rules
page 196, col 2, para 2 - “Henchmen follow most of the same rules as PCs do . . .” Changed Players Characters to PCs.
page 196, col 2 para 4 - “Like a minion, if a henchman is incapacitated . . .” Changed “like a minions” to “like a minions” to “like a minion.”
page 196, col 2, para 6 - “The nemesis is the opposite number of the PC. These NPCs are identical to PCs . . .” Changed Player Character and Player Characters to PC and PCs, respectively.
page 196, col 2, para 6 - The first sentence is fairly long. Using a period instead of the semi-colon may make it easier to read.
Adversary List
Page 197, col 1, para10, - “Adversaries do not always follow the same rules that PCs do.” Changed “player characters” to “PCs.”
Defel Assassin
page 197 - Under Talents entry says the Defel Assassin has “Lethal Blow 2.” This should be “Lethal Blows 2” based on the talent on p. 95.
Also under abilities the entry says “. . . .), Shadowed” The comma seems out of place, perhaps a semi-colon or no additional punctuation after the close parenthesis.
Loan Shark
page 198 - Under talents entry refers to “Negotiation check” should say “Negotiate check?
page 198 - under Equipment the entry for armored cloth should say “+1 defense” not “+1 defence”
Pirate Captain
page 198 - under Equipment vibro-axe is listed as “Range [Engage]” should be “Range [Engaged]”
Smuggler Baron
page 199 - under Equipment the entry for armored cloth should say “+1 defense” not “+1 defence”
Street Tough
page 199 - under Equipment Blaster pistol should say “Range [Medium]” Slugthrower should also say “Range [Medium]” and Truncheon should say “Range [Engaged]” instead of “Range [medium]” “Range [medium]” and “Range [engaged],” respectively
Twi’lek Black Marketeer
Page 199 - under Skills it should say “Negotiate” instead of “Negotiation”
Comm Operator
page 200 - “Comm operators . . .” changer “perators” to “operators”
Spaceport Security Detail
page 200 - add a comma before “padded armor”
Spaceport Security Officer
page 200 - entry refers to “Squad Bonus” as an ability, but does not explain what that is
Spaceport Administrator
page 200 - Talents - “Nobody’s Fool (upgrade difficulty of Charm, Coerce, or Deceit checks . . .” Added Coerce to match with description of Nobody’s Fool on p. 96
page 200 - Talents - “Plausible Deniability 2 (remove [setback die][setback die] from all Coerce and Deceit checks” Changed Charm to Coerce to match description of Plausible Deniability on p. 97
Journeyman Hunter
page 201 - Talents - “Lethal Blows . . .” changed “Lethal Blow” to “Lethal Blows” to match name on page 95
page 201 - Add a comma before “laminate armor”
Master Hunter
page 201 - Talents - “Lethal Blows . . .” changed “Lethal Blow” to “Lethal Blows” to match name on page 95
Corporate Sector Authority Security Police
page 201 - Equipment “truncheon . . . Range[Engaged] . . .” Changed “Engaged” to “Range[Engaged]”
Corporate Sector Authority Security Captain
page 201 - Equipment “truncheon . . . Range[Engaged] . . .” Changed “Engaged” to “Range[Engaged]”
Corporate Sector Authority Viceprex
page 201 - Skills - “Negotiate 3” - Changed “Negotiation 3” to “Negotiate 3” to match skill name on p. 71 and p 77
page 202 - Talents - “Each [advantage symbol] inflicts 1 additional strain . . .” Changed “Advantage” to the advantage symbol
Emperor’s Hand
page 202 - “The Emperor’s Hands operate in absolute secrecy, set upon missions from the Emperor himself.” Removed “come” before “from”
page 202 - Talents - Stalker description does not match description on p. 99., which also does not match short descriptions on pp. 41, 43, 50, and 59
Imperial Stormtrooper
page 203 - soak/defense - Currently reads “5/” perhaps should be “5/0”
page 203 - Thresholds - Change “Wounds 5” to “Wound: 5”
page 203 - Equipment - no open paren before “stormtrooper armor.” Vibro knife changed “Engaged” to “Range [Engaged]”
Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant
page 203 - Soak/defense - Currently reads “5” perhaps should be “5/0”
page 203 - Thresholds - Change “Wounds 14” to “Wound: 14”
page 203 - Equipment - no open paren before “stormtrooper armor.” vibro knife changed “Engaged” to “Range [Engaged]”
Planetary Defense Force Trooper
page 203 - Equipment - Add comma before “blast vest”
Sector Ranger
page 203 - Abilities - Text says “Brutal 1” but does not provide a description
page 203 - Equipment - Add comma before “heavy clothing”
Black Sun Vigo
page 204 - Skills - Change “Negotiation” to “Negotiate” to match skill description on pp. 71 and 77
page 204 - Talents - Crippling Blow “(may increase difficulty of check by 1 . . .”) Changed “damage” to “difficulty” to match description on p. 91
page 204 - Equipment - Force Pike - Change “Stun Setting” to “Stun setting”
Hutt Crime Lord
page 204 - Equipment - large-bore blaster pistols - Change “Stun Setting” to “Stun setting”
Rebel Alliance Liaison
page 204 - Skills - Change “Negotiation” to “Negotiate” to match skill description on pp. 71 and 77
Purchasing Droids Sidebar
page 204 - “Droids occupy a unique position in Edge of the Empire, as commodities for purchase, but are also a sentient species that can be NPCs or adversaries . . .” Changed “entities” to “species” - This may not be correct, but Droids are an available species in the species section
Assassin Droid
page 205 - Equipment - Built in blaster pistol - Change “Stun Setting” to “Stun setting”
Protocol Droid
page 205 - Skills - Add comma after “Knowledge [Xenology] 3” and change “Negotiation” to “Negotiate” to match skill description on pp. 71 and 77
Security Droid
page 205 - Equipment - Built in blaster pistol - Change “Stun Setting” to “Stun setting”
Forsaken Jedi
page 206 - Talents - Frenzied Attack - Should the Forsaken Jedi have to suffer 2 strain to upgrade an attach twice per the rules on p. 93? Entry currently says the Forsaken Jedi only needs to suffer 1 strain to do so
The Forsaken Jedi: Frenzied Attack is usable with Melee only? Shouldn't it also be used with Lightsaber, since this is a different skill?
page 202, Imperial Naval Officer (Henchman)
Shouldn't the range on the Blaster Pistol be Medium instead of Long.
Page 196: Minions Can Fight as a Group
This section needs clarification as it can apparently (based on discussions in these forums) be interpreted as allowing a single minion group to be split up such that it's 'members' are at different ranges and/or directions relative to a single PC. Apparently the 'in concert' bit is being read as 'in a coordinated manner, but capable of taking completely different actions', rather than 'as a single entity'.
If this is the intent, then there needs to be some clarification as to how someone should determine range when shooting at or being shot by a minion group split in this manner, as well as how this impacts melee damage dealt to a single member of the group. (e.g.: A Marauder is Engaged with one minion of a 5-minion group, but the other 4 are at Close, Long, and/or Extreme range. The Marauder deals 12 damage after soak. Only one minion is close enough to be injured. What happens to the other 7 points of damage?)
Minion Rules
p. 196, Minions can fight as a group, sent 7
“inions” should be “minions”
Advesary Listings – Throughout
Pages 197-206
In the Abilities listing, after the Ability name, the description within the parenthesis sometimes ends with a period, and sometimes doesn’t. Either way works, but it should be consistant.
Loan Shark (Nemesis)
p. 198, Equipment, armored clothing
“defence” should be “Defense” and “soak” should also be capitalized
Smuggler Baron (Nemesis)
p. 199, Equipment, armored clothing
“defence” should be “defense”
Also, both “defense” and “soak” should be capitalized, and switched (Soak should come first, I believe)
Street Touch (Minion)
p. 199, Equipment
“Truncheon” should not be capitalized
Sullustan Pilot (Henchman)
p. 199, Skills
“Pilot Pilot (Planetary)” should be “Pilot (Planetary)”
Twi’lek Black Marketeer (Henchman)
p. 199, Skills
“Ranged Light should be “Ranged (Light)”
Comm Operator (Henchman)
p. 200, sent 1
“perators” should be “operators”
Apprentice Hunter (Minion)
p. 201, Equipment
“soak” should be capitalized
Journeyman Hunter (Henceman)
p. 201, Equipment
“soak” should be capitalized
Imperial Stormtrooper (Minion)
p. 203, Equipment
“(stormtrooper armor” should just be “stormtrooper armor”
Imperial Stormtrooper Sergeant (Henchman)
p. 203, Equipment
“(stormtrooper armor” should just be “stormtrooper armor”
Planetary Defense Force Trooper (Minion)
p. 203, Equipment
Add a comma after the listing for 2 frag grenades
Sector Ranger (Henchman)
p. 203, Equipment
Add a comma after the listing for scoped blaster rifle
Black Sun Vigo (Nemesis)
p. 204, sent 1
“vigos” should be “Vigos”
p. 204, Talents
Add “the” before the last instance of “Vigo”
p. 204, Equipment
“Stun Setting” should be “Stun setting”
Hutt Crime Lord (Nemesis)
p. 204, Talents
Add “the” before the last instance of “Hutt”
p. 204, Equipment
“Stun Setting” should be “Stun setting”
Rebel Alliance Liason (Henceman)
p. 204, Equipment
“soak” should be capitalized
Assassin Droid (Nemesis)
p. 205, Equipment
“built in blaster pistol” should be “built-in blaster pistol”
p. 205, Equipment
“Stun Setting” should be “Stun setting”
p. 205, Equipment
“built in razor claws” should be “built-in razor claws”
Maintenance Droid (Minion)
p. 205, Equipment
“built in repair tools” should be “built-in repair tools”
Maintenance Droid (Minion)
p. 205, Equipment
“built-in” should be “Built-in”
Protocol Droid (Henchman)
p. 205, Abilities
“Etiquette and protocol” should be “Etiquette and Protocol”
Security Droid (Henchman)
p. 205, Equipment
“Stun Setting” should be “Stun setting”
Forsaken Jedi (Nemesis)
p. 206, Abilities
“Silhouette” should not be capitalized
Mynock (Minion)
p. 206, Abilities, throughout
“Mynock” should not be capitalized