A sticky thread for editing and proofreading comments on Chapter VII - Starships and Vehicles .
Chapter VII - Starships and Vehicles
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
The Y-Wing either should have its ion cannon locked to Forward arc or have its model changed and room for a gunner added.
GoblynByte said:
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
Its TIE/LN, not TIE/IN. LN stands for "line."
There is and editing consistency error on Page 172, column 2, 18 lines down from the top, Under the ‘Electronic Countermeasures Suite’ Entry, in the section that says how many ‘Hard Points Required’ rather than saying "one" as in every other attachment entry, it reads “1”.
EldritchFire said:
GoblynByte said:
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
Its TIE/LN, not TIE/IN. LN stands for "line."
Huh… go figure… then is should be lowercase!
GoblynByte said:
EldritchFire said:
GoblynByte said:
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
Its TIE/LN, not TIE/IN. LN stands for "line."
Huh… go figure… then is should be lowercase!
Yep, definitely supposed to be lowercase. I thought it was 'in' for years, too.
On page 148 near the end of the text on Silhouette and Defense Zones, the book talks about how a Y-Wing that put both of its defense points aft would be vulnerable to an attack from the front. But on page 156 under assembling the dice pool, the rules state that for a ship of silhouette 4 or smaller (a Y-Wing is a 3) the defender gets to pick which defense zone an attack hits. It seems like a snubfighter can always just put all defense on one zone and then make all attacks hit that zone, which makes the example on page 148 seem misleading.
The price in credits for the Firespray seems too low at 40 000.
Ferretz said:
The price in credits for the Firespray seems too low at 40 000.
I'd have gone with 80,000 - 90,000 personally, around the same as the Light Freighter, but slightly less than the YT-1300.
Particularly as it's a KDY design, which are traditionaly more expensive (but better constructed) then their Corrilian counterparts.
::Edited out my mistake::
I'm not sure if on page 157, Table 7-7, Row 3, first bullet point is correct. Is it supposed to say "The active player loses Initiative?" Something about the active player losing Initiative doesn't quite make sense.
Page 148, Silhouette and Defense Zones states that ships with a silhouette of 5 or higher has 4 defense zones. However, all silhouette 5+ ships on pages 170-171 have only 3 numbers for their defense.
Pg153, past sentence of the left-hand column, it says that "each player may never take more than one maneuver during his turn." However, the very next column, Maneuvers, talks about how a starship with a silhouette of 1-4 can take a second maneuver.
Also, the last two paragraphs of Maneuvers is a bit confusing. Am I right that if a starship of silhouette 1-4 wants to take two maneuvers, and has one pilot (a Z-95, for example) the ship and the pilot must both suffer 2 strain? Or if the starship has a pilot and co-pilot, they both can do one maneuver, and only the ship suffers the two strain.
Some timeline corrections…
The Firespray System Patrol Craft was designed prior to the Clone Wars, not at the end. Jango Fett flies one (the only one in existence at the time) in the movie Attack of the Clones . Originally, they were indeed designed for the Republic Correctional Authority; however, it would seem that Kuat Systems Engineering reintroduced them sometime after the Empire came into being (and therefore after Republic Correctional Authority ceased to be).
The Z-95 Headhunter predates the Clone Wars by at least a decade or two.
Also, the Skipray Blastboats were apparently designed by Republic Sienar Systems just prior to the Clone Wars, though this is slightly misleading since the design was scrapped and rebuilt to be introduced by Sienar Fleet Systems at the beginning of the Galactic Civil War.
Terminology Corrections…
I have never seen anything to indicate that CR90 is a "class" of corvette. It's just "CR90 Corvette." It's a model in CEC's corvette line.
In the Nebulon-B escort frigate entry, it is an effective replacement of the Class-C (proper) frigate.
YT-1300 and YT-2400 are not class designations. Their class is "light freighter." So it's "Corellian Engineering Corporation's YT-2400 light freighter."
As an aside, apparently the Ghtroc 720 is also referred to as the "Class 720."
First sentence of page 170: " life's blood " should be changed to " lifeblood ." Also, intergalactic means "between galaxies." You'll want "intragalactic" or "interplanetary" to talk about this type commerce.
End of the second paragraph page 170, I'd change "in use in the galaxy" to "in use across the galaxy."
Action VI entry page 170: "…powered by once of CEC's…" should be, "powered by one of CEC's…"
Under CAPITAL SHIPS (page 171), the first sentence is confusing. "This broad category…bear enormous martial might."
Under the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, the last word of the first paragraph ("ships") should be changed to "Star Destroyers." Also, to make that last sentence cleaner you could write "…Victory- and Imperial-class…"
Minor Quibbly Bits:
I always thought that Ghtroc Industries (mentioned in the Ghtroc 720 writeup) was more of a failure and actually went out of business, though their light freighters remained in popular usage in the Outer Rim.
GoblynByte said:
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
The TIE/In designates the TIE Interceptor and has for years.
So those of you that thought you were going crazy, fear not
The TIE/Ln is, apparently, the official designation of the TIE fighter we all know and love to blow up with quad lasers (at least as of The Essential Guide to Warfare which was published last year). I'll admit I had never seen that designation either until reading the Beta Book.
Page 166, first paragraph: "reliable airspeeder composed of" should be "reliable airspeeder comprised of…"
Second column, first paragraph under A-A5 Speeder Truck : "among the Outer Rim" is not the right usage of the word "among." I suggest "throughout."
Under X-34 Landspeeder , "two passenger" and "coupe styled" should both be hyphenated. Also, "known for it's reputation" doesn't make sense. How about, "SoroSuub's X-34 is a two-passenger coupe-styled civilian landspeeder with a solid reputation for reliability." Or, "…landspeeder known for it's solid reliability."
Page 167, first paragraph: "more advanced forms of transport" should be "more advanced forms of transportation."
Under the Corellian Mining Corportation Digger Crawler , "20 metres" should be "20 meters."
Under the Personnel Carrier , "self defence" should be "self defense," and I'd actually get rid of the word "self" as well.
Under WALKERS , first paragraph in the second column, "in the manner of animals or people" should be "in a manner similar to (or reminiscent of, or comparable to) that of animals or people."
Is the silhouette for the AT-PT a typo? I can't imagine a 4-meter by 3-meter walker having a silhouette of 1.
Page 168, second paragraph: "Mass produced" should be "Mass-produced."
Third paragraph: "one or two-man" should be "one- or two-man"
awayputurwpn said:
…Also, intergalactic means "between galaxies." You'll want "intragalactic" or "interplanetary" to talk about this type commerce…
…Under the Corellian Mining Corportation Digger Crawler, "20 metres" should be "20 meters."…
I am sorry sir, but I do not believe that either of those are mistakes, as for the first count the Star Wars Galaxy has about 7 or so ‘Companion Dwarf Satellite Galaxies’ (Kamino is supposed to be situated in one of these called the Rishi Maze), so that would make Intergalactic the correct wordage ( starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_galaxy ). As for the second count qouted above, Metres is acceptable; as it is the English (UK) spelling of the work. By enlarge very nice catches in the editing sir. :-)
Page 155, Gain the Advantage action lists as size 1-4 . Should be silhouette 1-4 .
Collinsas said:
awayputurwpn said:
…Also, intergalactic means "between galaxies." You'll want "intragalactic" or "interplanetary" to talk about this type commerce…
…Under the Corellian Mining Corportation Digger Crawler, "20 metres" should be "20 meters."…
I am sorry sir, but I do not believe that either of those are mistakes, as for the first count the Star Wars Galaxy has about 7 or so ‘Companion Dwarf Satellite Galaxies’ (Kamino is supposed to be situated in one of these called the Rishi Maze), so that would make Intergalactic the correct wordage ( starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_galaxy ). As for the second count qouted above, Metres is acceptable; as it is the English (UK) spelling of the work. By enlarge very nice catches in the editing sir. :-)
My thoughts on intergalactic vs. intragalactic were certainly complicated by the companion galaxies, but the reason I posted what I did is that, by and large, those "galaxies" are outside the scope of the Empire and of the text at hand. Note in the same sentence (page 170, first paragraph): "transports and freighters are the ships that carry the … bounty of the galaxy to all of its people." That was primarily what made me think it should be changed. "Intergalactic" is not really a term we see in Star Wars until there are actual intergalactic visitors (such as the Yuuzhan Vong).
Furthermore, when they enter the narrative of Star Wars, the companion galaxies have always seemed to me to be considered more a part of the galaxy than separate from it…much like Endor/the forest moon of Endor are used fairly interchangeably. Satellites are distinct from the whole, but not wholly so, do you see?
And regarding the English spelling, I definitely did notice that it was British (in addition to many, many instances of "defence" instead of the more common "defense"). Having an English wife myself, I'm no stranger to the disparities of our two lexicographies (here is where I start making up words), but my thought is that a work should adopt a single standard of spelling, syntax, and punctuation (as opposed to 'spelling, syntax and punctuation'). The Beta book appears to be edited using both an American lexicon and a British (slash/Canadian) one, so yeah. It's helpful for the readers to be presented with a consistent reading experience.
Hmm… I do concur here; on both counts it would be nice for them to pick either or, in the terminology/syntax. The issue of mixed spelling localizations may just be down to an international team of writers.
Post Script: Sorry to side track this thread.
Just a note that the Encumbrance values for the various ships still don't seem to be consistent with current 'known' values from a myriad of previously published sources. To make matters worse, it's not the raw numbers that are an issue, it's the fact that there doesn't appear to be even a *rough* conversion factor. (Ratios range from 11% for the Action IV to a 250% for the Lambda when comparing 'known' cargo capacities in metric tons to encumbrance rating, with a full range of values in the rest of the 6 or 7 ships I've checked so far.)
Also, unless there is some conversion ratio I'm missing between personal scale Encumbrance and ship scale Encumbrance, most of the light transport ships can carry less cargo than a modern pickup truck, much less a small moving van. The YT-1300 would be full at 41 blaster rifles and 1 blaster pistol, for example.
(I'm not sure whether this should be a proofreading change, or a rules question. If I've guessed wrong let me know and I'll start a thread elsewhere instead.)
awayputurwpn said:
GoblynByte said:
On page 169 the TIE fighter should be a TIE In, not a TIE Ln ("I" as in Indigo, not "L" as in Lambda). There's no such thing as a TIE Ln.
The TIE/In designates the TIE Interceptor and has for years.
So those of you that thought you were going crazy, fear not
The TIE/Ln is, apparently, the official designation of the TIE fighter we all know and love to blow up with quad lasers (at least as of The Essential Guide to Warfare which was published last year). I'll admit I had never seen that designation either until reading the Beta Book.
The designation goes back to WEG's SW Sourcebook
They had the TIE, TIE/ln, TIE/fc, TIE/gt, TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor (aka TIE Int) (note the lowercase after the slash). They also describe vader's tie as the "Interceptor Prototype"). The TIE/ln model was the improved version of the base TIE, and visually indistinguishable.
Ship and Vehicle Characteristics
p. 146, para 1, sent 1
“Imperial-class” should be “ Imperial -class”
p. 146, para 1, sent 3
“Victory-class” should be “ Victory -class”
p. 146, sent 4
“Lancer-class” should be “ Lancer -class”
Customization Hard Points
p. 147, para 2, sent 2
“Firespray-class” should be “ Firespray -class” and “Imperial II-class” should be “ Imperial II -class”
Sublight Engines
p. 148, sent 2
“Imperial II-class” should be “ Imperial II -class”
Fire Arcs sidebar
p. 150, para 1, sent 5
“BTL Y-Wing” should be “BTL-A4 Y-wing”
p. 150, para 2, sent 1
“Dorsal” and “Ventral” should probably not be capitalized
p. 150, para 2, sent 3
“All” should probably not be capitalized
Blaster Cannon
p. 150, para 1, last sent
“Firespray-class” should be “ Firespray -class”
Limited Ammo and Starships sidebar
p. 151, para 1, sent 1
“Quality” should not be capitalized
p. 151, para 2, sent 1
“Quality” should not be capitalized
Linked Weapon Systems sidebar
p. 151, para 3, sent 1
“Quality” should not be capitalized
Step 1: Determine Initiative
p. 152, para 2, sent 1
Remove the “(-)”
Combat and the Pilot Skill sidebar
p. 153, sent 1
“Starships and Vehicles” should not be capitalized
Stay on Target
p. 154, sent 2
“Round” should not be capitalized
Perform a Combat Check
p. 155, para 1, sent 2
“Combat” should not be capitalized
Step 6: Reduce Damage . . .
p. 157, para 2, sent 3 and 4
“Critical hit” should be “Critical Hit”
Piloting and Stellar Phenomena or Terrain
p. 159, para 1, sent 4
“Piloting check” should be “Pilot check”
p. 159, para 3, sent 1
“Piloting check” should be “Pilot check”
p. 159, Example, sent 1
“TIE fighter . . .” should be “A TIE fighter . . .”
p. 159, Example, sent 1
“Piloting check” should be “Pilot check”
Collisions sidebar
p. 160, para 3, last sent
“TIE Fighter” should be “TIE fighter”
Table 7-9
p. 162, Details for 28-36, sent 3
“Piloting check” should be “Pilot check”
p. 162, Details for 64-72, sent 1
“R2 Unit” should be “R2 unit”
p. 165, Passenger Capacity
This should not end with a period
Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles
p. 167, last sent
The text refers to the “Terrain sidebar” but I’m not sure which sidebar this is
Corellian Mining Corporation Digger Crawler
p. 167, sent 1
“metres” should be “meters”
All Terrain Personal Transport
p. 167, Forward Mounted Concussion Grenade Launcher
The word “note” is used here, but it is not used in, for example, the weapon listing for the Aratech 74-Z. Either way, it should be standardized
Firespray System Patrol Craft
p. 168, Hyperdrive
This should not end with a period
Lambda-Class T-4A Long Range Shuttle
p. 168, sent 1
“Lambda-class” should be “ Lambda -class” (this is probably not necessary for the title)
p. 168, Ship’s Complement
This should not end with a period
GAT-12H Skipray Blastboat
p. 169, sent 1
“Turbostorm-class” should be “ Turbostorm -class”
BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter
p. 169, Navicomputer
“Astromech Droid” should probably not be capitalized
Mobquet MB-C1 Medium Transport
p. 171, Dorsal Mounted Concussion Missile Launcher
“Firce Arc Front” should be “Fire Arc Forward”
EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate
p. 171, sent 1
“Victory-class” should be “ Victory -class” and “Imperial-class” should be “ Imperial- class”
p. 171, Six Port and Six Starboard Turret . . .
“Foreward” should be “Forward”
p. 171, Three Port, Three Starboard . . .
“Foreward” should be “Forward”
Enhanced Carbon-Durasteel Armor
p. 172, Base Modifiers
“handling” should be capitalized
Electronic Countermeasures Suite
p. 172, Modification Options
“Quality” should not be capitalized
p. 172, Modification Options
This should probably end with a period
p. 172, Hard Points Required
“1” should be “One”
Advanced Targeting Array
p. 172, Modification Options
It should be “Innate Talent (True Aim) Mod.”
p. 172, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 172, Cost
This should not end with a period
Hydraulic Control Circuits
p. 173, Base Modifiers
“Attachments” should not be capitalized, and “handling” should be capitalized
p. 173, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 173, Cost
This should not end with a period
Reinforced Shield Generator
p. 173, Base Modifiers
The first “defense” should be capitalized
p. 173, Modification Options
“defense” should be capitalized
Smuggling Compartments
p. 173, Base Modifier
“Encumbrance” should not be capitalized
p. 173, Modification Options
“Encumbrance” should not be capitalized
p. 173, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 173, Cost
This should not end with a period
Subspace Transceiver
p. 173, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 173, Cost
This should not end with a period
Hyperdrive Generator
p. 174, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 174, Cost
This should not end with a period
High-Output Ion Turbine
p. 174, Modification Options
This should not end with a period
p. 174, Hard Points Required
This should not end with a period
p. 174, Cost
This should not end with a period
Upgrading Weapons
p. 174, Modification Options
This should not end with a period
p. 174, Cost
This should not end with a period