A sticky thread for editing and proofreading comments on Chapter IV - Talents .
Chapter IV - Talents
Page 88: Talent rank discussion, 2nd column right hand side.
In the first paragraph, we have …With few exceptions, there is no set limit to the number of ranks that a character may possess of a given talent.
In the Example, we have…. he can purchase UP TO an additional TWO ranks of Point Blank, bringing Robin to a total of four ranks….
There seems to be a clarity issue
1) Can we buy unlimited ranks of 5xp Point Blank as it states in the first paragraph?
2) Are we limited to 4 ranks as it states in the example?
3) If the answer is #1, why would i want to spend 15xp in Point Blank in the second tier of BH: Gadgeteer tree if i can get the same benefit from the 5xp version? this is probably a question for another topic.
Soliloquies said:
Page 88: Talent rank discussion, 2nd column right hand side.
In the first paragraph, we have …With few exceptions, there is no set limit to the number of ranks that a character may possess of a given talent.
In the Example, we have…. he can purchase UP TO an additional TWO ranks of Point Blank, bringing Robin to a total of four ranks….
There seems to be a clarity issue
1) Can we buy unlimited ranks of 5xp Point Blank as it states in the first paragraph?
2) Are we limited to 4 ranks as it states in the example?
3) If the answer is #1, why would i want to spend 15xp in Point Blank in the second tier of BH: Gadgeteer tree if i can get the same benefit from the 5xp version? this is probably a question for another topic.
I messed this up. I reread the rules for the fourth time and figured it out that i am not buying multiple ranks per talent. i am buying a talent once but there may be an opportunity to buy a second talent of the same name and description within one tree of skills. No error in the above.
p. 87 col 1, para 1 "character to perform tasks with superhuman flair and abil-" replace " flare" with flair
Talent Trees
p.88, col 1, para 4 "discard one of their other specialization trees. When that tree is " add space between second "tree" and "is"
Talent Descriptions
p. 88 col 1, last para -- Paragraph refers to non-existent flavor paragraphs in Talent descriptions. Flavor to be added post-beta?
p. 89 col 2: Blooded. This ranked Talent is present in only one instance in the Talent Trees, nor does any equipment replicate it.
p. 90 col 2, para 6 -- " gain [boost die] when making Leadership checks (or other" - delete "one" after gain to maintain style.
"This duration does not increase with additional ranks of Command" add " duration" to clarify.
p. 91 col 2, para 6 "damage equal to his Agility rating to a successful" delete "(rounded up)" as Agility is always a whole number.
p. 93 col 1, para 8 "Throttle is reduced to an Average ([Difficulty Die][Difficulty Die]) Pilot Check ." change to match style.
p. 94 col 2, para 2 "Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric also gains [boost Die] on all skill" add "also" for clarification.
p.95 col 1, para 8: Remove extra spaces in " [ Difficulty Die]) Education Check "
p. 98 col 2, para 5 "Remove [setback die] per rank of Skilled Jockey from all Pilot ( Planetary )" c hange Planet to Planetary
p. 100 col 2, para 5 "utility belt or satchel, with a rarity no greater than 3 . This" remove parenthesis from "(3)" to match style.
Here are some suggested revisions for Chapter IV: Talents. Obviously, these are only suggestions, and I could be completely wrong. Also, some suggestions may be contrary to design intent, for example suggestions to talents. Also, corrections to page numbers are probably unnecessary given those are likely to change with the addition of flavor and art.
These suggestions do not incorporate the revisions already suggested by Nyriv1.
page 87, col 1, para 1 - “PCs are often distinguished . . .” Changed “Player Characters” to “PCs”
Talent Types
page 88, col 1, para 2 - Text says that dedication “is the only way that a character can increase one of his characteristics after creation is complete.” What about cybernetic enhancements on p. 115?
page 93 - Full Throttle - Should it be Pilot (Planetary) or Pilot (Space) check? Instead of “Pilot check”?
page 93 - Full Throttle (Improved) - Incorporate Nyriv1’s change but do not capitalize “check.”
page 94 - Inventor - should “test” be changed to “check?”
page 94 - Natural Pilot - Should it be “Pilot (Planetary), Pilot (Space), or Gunnery” check?
page 96 - Natural Tinkerer - All the other “natural” Talents have two skills, this only has one. Perhaps add Coordination?
page 97 - Researcher - change “knowledge checks” to “Knowledge checks”
page 98 - Resolve - Change “when a character” to “when this character.”
page 99 - Stalker - Description on page 99 does not match short description on pages 41, 43, 50, 59 - Athletics is mentioned on page 99 but Surveillance is mentioned everywhere else
On page 94, the talent intimidating says "This number cannot exceed his ranks in Intimidating." But this talent is not ranked. Should it be based on ranks in Coerce, the skill it works off of?
cparadis said:
page 96 - Natural Tinkerer - All the other “natural” Talents have two skills, this only has one. Perhaps add Coordination?
Natural Doctor also only has one skill. And I don't think it makes a big difference if the other talents have more associated skills because you can still only do it once per session and the trees that Natural Doctor/ Tinkerer come from focus on just one skill for the most part.
Page 89, the Balance talent. It says it requires a maneuver to activate, but I can't seem to find any reference to being able to take maneuvers at the end of an encounter. Could it be trying to referring to Discipline/Cool check at the end of the encounter?
The last sentence in the example and the last sentence of this section related to dropping a specialization should be removed.
Change close range to Short range.
TRUE AIM p.100
A clarification to mention if this aim maneuver is part of the 2 max maneuvers per turn or is a third free maneuver included in the attack action would be appreciated.
Talent Trees
p. 88, para 2, sent 3
“treeis” should be “tree is”
Bacta Specialist
p. 89
“Bacta tank” should not be capitalized
Brilliant Evasion
p. 90
I don’t believe “Opposed” should be capitalized
p. 90
Remove “die” after the Boost dice symbol
Field Commander
p. 92
“a Average” should be “an Average”
Field Commander (Improved)
p. 92
“Leadership Test” should be “Leadership check”
p. 94
“from the test” should be “from the check”
Known Schematic
p. 95
There is an extra space before “Education”
Overwhelm Emotions
p. 97
Remove “result” after the first dark side result symbol
p. 97, sent 2
“researcher” should be capitalized
Skilled Jockey
p. 98
“Pilot (Planet)” should be “Pilot (Planetary)”
p. 100, sent 2
The period should be inside the parenthesis