So last night we decided to give scenario 1 a go, with our 8 investigator team. Things started out pretty good -- Amamde Walker got a Tome that if successfully read gave her another skill, I played Dexter (I'm pretty adamant about avoiding Joe Diamond this time around) and got an Elder Sign for my unique item, plus Shriveling and Bind Monster. A few other decent items were passed around to all the players, and we were ready to go.
Our first mythos card was an environment that gave all monsters +1 toughness. And the gate opened at the Silver Twilight Lodge. And a GuG and a Formless One (?) popped out. No good. Harvey managed to get through to the other side, and I decided to take a chance at the church to see if I could get Blessed. Guess what? It worked (sweet).
Turn two and out gate opens at the woods. No real tough monsters here, but the replacement Horror stats and the +2 toughness made even a cultist something to worry about. Plus, the Gug and Spawn decided to go for a walk. I figured being blessed I should make an attempt to beat up some monsters, so I took on the baddies. Since my max. will was 3 (auto fail on that Horror Check), I took the 2 sanity loss, succesfully cast Bind Monster and removed the Formless One from the Board. Then I failed my Evade check on the Gug, and after taking some stamina damage failed the Horror Check and went to the Asylum, where I was in good company with another investigator. Harvey gets delayed in the Outer Worlds,
Turn three we get a monster surge. And two monsters released in the South Side street, so the Terror Track goes up by 1. Dexter loses his faith in god, so his Blessing goes away. A few investigators try to get the monsters under control before they scare away the rest of the city, but all it really ends up doing is sending 2 more to the Asylum and one to the Hospital. Knowing I need to get back on the streets fast I pay my counseling fees and think about where to go next. Joe Diamond decided to make a dash for the Unvisted Isle, hoping to pick up a clue. instead, the new mythos card throws him through a gate.
Well, it could have been worse, but things are getting tough for the home team. Three gates, 11 monsters, and half the team insane or injured. Dexter makes a mad dash to try and take down some monsters, and ends up getting sent insane again. For a magician, this man has no willpower. Harvey makes it out of the gate, and seals it. A few monsters get sucked away as well, but we're still sitting too high on the monster level for my taste.
And, sure enough, we get another monster surge. It's a new environemnt, so only the cultists and another mosnter type get a +1 bonus in addition to Shubby. The Terror Level jumps up to 5, okay, that's not so bad, we can deal with that. Dexter spends another $2 getting his brain back in order, someone finally makes the mad dash to get into the gate at the woods, and makes it. Harvey, realizing that with Calvin by his side he can take on monsters starts to go monster hunting. He doesn't do a bad job of it, but he doesn't really have the best weapons in the world.
Next turn, a new gate opens at Hibbs. The monsters again are at 11, so Dexter trys to take down some. This time he keeps from going insane, and instead ends up at the hospital. Just because a guy has Shriveling doesn't mean he can beat down monsters, especailly if his spell casting fails him. This time I ditch my Elder sign; I figure the game will be over long before the doom track hits 12. Joe closes his gate.
Next turn, we get a monster surge. The Terror Track jumps up to 10, and the monsters are free to overrun Arkham. I don't want to waste a turn healing up, but I have to. Some of the team do their best to beat up monsters, but barely manage to take some down before going nuts.
Now there is a gate at the Unnameable. Okay, that's only 2 more monsters, we can deal with that. Both are Dark Young. That's no fun. But there are 2 clues at the Science Building, and only one monster between Dexter and hopefully some helpful experiement. On succesful Evade check later and Dexter meets up with some research students. Letting them know what I've learned about the creatures destroying Arkham, they get this strange device working. Sadly, it isn't effective enough to close any of those gates on the board.
Great, another gate opens up, at the Witch house. The monsters are swarming the board. I decide to stay put; there has to be something in this building that can help us. Maybe this professor with the weird relic -- hey, I'm blessed again! Maybe God hasn't deserted us at all.
Oh wait, nope, monster surge. That's more than enough to hit 22 monsters on the board. What IS that thing crashing over the town! It's horrible, its...eating half our investigators! No. Wait, I'm blessed, we've got some good spells, let's see what we can do. Apparently, not enough. We can't hold out against Shub, and pretty soon he'll be moving on to destroy the rest of the east coast.
Not even 2 hours of game time. On the plus side, I slipped on some ice and pulled some muscles around my knee, so I have three days off from work. We're going to get together on Saturday afternoon and see if we can stop the ugly monster. This scenario was worse than I expected, but our environments were no help at all.