Chapter VI - Conflict and Combat

By player266669, in Proofreading Changes

(Spotted a typo here so I am starting a thread on this chapter. I will add more notes to this thread as I find more errors in this chapter.)

Pg. 134

The paragraph for "Range Bands" seems to have a couple of places where the game's name Edge of the Empire should have been inserted, but wasn't.

  • The paragraph opens with a drop-cap letter E, but the first word in the sentence is "relies" with a lower-case r, so the paragraph begins " E relies on broad terms used to describe…"
  • The second sentence contains a double-space where it seems the game name was meant to be inserted between the words "squares" and "uses", so that it reads "Rather than have a player's attention focused on a grid, counting squares, uses more abstract means…"

Pg 127
Narration and Structure, paragraph, 1st sentence

"Most of the gameplay in is done on a narrative basis"

Double space after the word "in", looks like Edge of the Empire was supposed to be inserted here.

Pg. 128
Rules for breaking ties while determining initiative do not explain that when two checks are tied, the check with the higher number Advantage symbols wins the tie. However, the rules do not explain how to break the tie if both rolls have the same number of Advantage symbols.

My recommendation would be to follow the example set in WFRP3E and let the heroes win all ties against their adversaries. It's fast and simple and easy to remember.

Pg. 129
The Turn, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence

"Each character (whether a Player Character or a Non-Player Character)…

The term NPC has been used exclusively in this chapter up to this point. For consistency, recommend changing this instance of "Non-Player Character" to "NPC."

Pg. 129
Incidentals, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence

"Incidentals are minor activities that characters can undertake that require extremely little time…"

This phrasing is awkard, especially the duplicate word "that" and the use of the phrase "extremely little time." I suggest replacing "extremely little" with "minimal", and possibly re-writing the entire sentence to read "Incidentals are activities that require a minimal amount og time to perform."

Pg. 129
Maneuvers, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence

"Because utilizes an abstract method of resolving combat…"

Double space after "Because", appears to be another instance of the game's name not getting properly inserted in the text.

Pg 130
Types of Maneuvers/Aim, 2nd parapgrah, 1st bullet point

According to this rule, if a character spends a maneuver to Aim, he gains one Boost die to his next combat check. However, if the character spends two conscecutive maneuver to Aim, he gains two Setback dice on his next combat check. Surely that should be two Boost dice, not two Setback dice.

Pg 130
Types of Maneuvers/Assist

I am not clear on what is meant by "an engaged ally" in this context. Does that mean an ally who is engaged with the assisting Player Character? Or an ally who is engaged with an enemy? Or both? Can a Player Charater use the Assist maneuver to help an ally who is at Long range, for example? Just a general pass for clarity would be beneficial here.

Pg 130
Types of Maneuvers/Guarded Stance

I like the idea of this maneuver, but I'm surprised that there is no 'Dodge" counterpart to it that provides the same effect against ranged attacks that target the Player Character. That would seem to be a logical addition to the list of maneuvers, especially if the combat is a shootout and there's no available cover nearby.

Pg 131
Types of Maneuvers/Move/Engage or Disengage from an opponent, 2nd sentence

"Once engaged with a target, the character must perform a maneuver to disengage, lest they suffer a penalty for doing so."

Additional information is required here. What is the penalty? If the rule for the penalty is found elsewhere, there should be a page reference to it. If this is intended to be left open-ended so the GM can decide an appropriate penalty, that should be stated.

Venthrac said:

Pg 130
Types of Maneuvers/Aim, 2nd parapgrah, 1st bullet point

According to this rule, if a character spends a maneuver to Aim, he gains one Boost die to his next combat check. However, if the character spends two conscecutive maneuver to Aim, he gains two Setback dice on his next combat check. Surely that should be two Boost dice, not two Setback dice.

I just read this on the bus this afternoon and found the same thing. I agree it should be two Boost dice over two setbacks (motion seconded).

Pg 132
Step 4: Resolve Advantage and Triumphs, 5th paragraph, 2nd sentence

"A list of the most common alternatives cna be found on Table 6-10: Spending Advantage and Triumphs in Combat."

"Table 6-10" should be changed to "Table 6-2." Table 6-10 is the Critical Hit table.

Pg 140
Wounds, Strain and States of Health, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence

"In the fast-paced, high-action setting of, characters are sure to find themselves in the thick of things…"

Assumedly "Edge of the Empire" was supposed to be inserted between the word "of" and the comma that follows it.

Pg 129 bottom of left colum "He may also perform a second maneuver by voluntarily suffering two points if strain."

Pg 141 center of left colum "The most common use is to voluntarily suffer one point of strain to gain one additional maneuver…"

These two pages are in direct conflict. Further I have no idea what the cost should be.

I think the correct cost is two points of strain, since under "Side Step Improved" it says:

"…to perform an additional maneuver, the character must downgrade his action or voluntarility suffer two strain."

Venthrac said:

Pg 130

Types of Maneuvers/Guarded Stance

I like the idea of this maneuver, but I'm surprised that there is no 'Dodge" counterpart to it that provides the same effect against ranged attacks that target the Player Character. That would seem to be a logical addition to the list of maneuvers, especially if the combat is a shootout and there's no available cover nearby.

Maybe it would be sufficient to add an option to the movement.

Every move maneuver could made while "running low/evading": move one range increment (as normal) and add a Black d6 to any combat checks he makes until the end of his turn an adds a Black d6 to any Ranged (Light) or Ranged (Heavy) checks made targeting him until the end of his next turn.

I'll do my best to omit issues already noted by other proofreaders…


p. 130 col 2, para 6. "such as drawing a vibro-knife from its sheath, recharging" add hyphen in "vibroknife" to match Gear Chapter.

p. 132 col 2, para 2 "on page 108 , each weapon has a critical rating that consists" change 105 to 108 for correct reference.

Range Bands

p. 134 col 1, para 8. " Edge of the Empire relies on broad terms used to describe ranges and dis-" the book title is deleted.

p. 134 col1, para 8. "on a grid, counting squares, Edge of the Empire uses more abstract means to" again, the book title has been deleted.

Additional Combat Check Modifiers

p. 137 col 1, para 6 "and Knockdown Weapon Qualities . Finally, when making a Brawl at-" change "qualities" to "Weapon Qualities" to clarify WQ as opposed to similarly named Talents

p. 137 col 2, para 4 "can be found in Chapter 7:Starships and Vehicles . The most important thing to" add ":Starships and Vehicles" to follow style

This section details Unarmed Combat and Improvised Weapons, but completely neglects normal Melee Combat. At no point is it explicitly stated how melee combat works. This needs to be added in here.

Wounds, Strain, and States of Health

p. 140 col 1, para 5 "In the fast-paced, high action setting of Edge of Empire , characters are sure" the book title is deleted.

p. 141 Sidebar: States of Health: For completeness, dead should be included in the sidebar.

p. 141 col 1, para 1 " two points of strain to gain one additional maneuver during" replace "one point" with "two points"

p. 142 Table 6-10: Critical Injury Results

36-40: Details "Increase difficulty of next check by [Difficulty die ]" replace "d1" with "[Difficulty die]"

76-80: Result: Staggered Should rename to avoid confusion with status effect "staggered"

86-90: Details "Increase difficulty of all skill checks by [Difficulty die] until the end of the encounter" replace "one" with "[Difficulty die]"

96-100: Details "A limb is crippled until healed or replaced. Increase difficulty of all checks that require use of that limb by [Difficulty die] " replace "one" with "[Difficulty die]"

Recovery and Healing

p. 143 col 2, para 3 "governing Medicine checks also govern Mechanics checks to" move this sentence down under Table 6-12: Medical Check Difficulty

p. 143 Table 6-12: Medical Check Difficulty Average Medicine check description "Current wounds equal more than half of wound threshold" delete "or equal" to remove contradiction with Easy Medicine check.

- Page 144 under 'Stimpacks' it states that "For Critical Injuries, a successful Medicine check is required based on the injury's severity. Stimpacks have no effect on Critical Injuries." This seems like a contradiction, unless it's referring to the fact that Medicine checks can remove Critical Injuries, but that would be incorrect as well since a Medicine check is not required to remove Critical Injuries as Resilience checks can also remove them. In any case, it seems out of place and unnecessarily confusing.

Pg 133


The second half of the sentence (that starts on pg 132) reads: found on Table 6-10 Spending Advantage and Triumphs in Combat .
The reference table should be changed to 6-2.

Pg 141

Right Column - " Other Ongoing Status Effects"

Reads: "Characters in can suffer effects beyond…" -

Should Read " Characters can suffer effects beyond…"

A bit more of a clarification issue, but the Guarded Stance manoeuvre (I can't remember page number, but I know its this chapter). Does this manoeuvre's bonus constitute a defence bonus to melee defence, or is it a "normal" setback die added to the attackers check, and therefore stacks with the armour's general defence?

Basically, the whole defence concept needs some clarification due to the three categories, non-stacking of different sources, talents that seem to add defence but only mentions setback dice (which is not necessarily the same), and the manoeuvre mentioned above of course.

MOVE p.130

Change range increment bullet: Change Close range to Short range.

Engage or disengage from an opponent bullet: Change Close range to Short range.

Move within Close range: Change Close range to Short range.


End of second paragraph in the example: remove reference to the Surveillance skill.


Change Close range to Short range.


Missing the words: Edge of the Empire in the first sentence.

Narration and Structure

p. 127, para 1, sent 1

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here


p. 129, para 1, sent 1

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here


p. 131, Engage or Disengage from an opponent

“Disengage” should not be capitalized

p. 131, Move within Close range

“Close” should not be capitalized

Step 4: Resolve Advantage and Triumphs

p. 132, para 2, throughout

“critical hit” should be capitalized

Step 6: Reduce Damage . . .

p. 134, last para, throughout

“critical hit” should be capitalized

Range Bands

p. 134, para 1, sent 1 and 2

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here

Relative Positioning sidebar

p. 135, para 3, sent 2

“Heavy Ranged” should not be capitalized (or else it should be “Heavy (Ranged)”)

Walking Fire

p. 137, sent 1

“auto fire” should be “the Auto-fire quality”

Size Differences (Silhouettes)

p. 137, para 2, last sent

The period should be placed inside the parenthesis

Table 6-5

p. 137, Example Row 3

“taun-taun” should be “tauntaun”

Dangerous Atmospheres

p. 139, para 1, last sent

“Table 6-8: Dangerous Atmospheres” is not in the correct style

Wounds, Strain, and States of Health

p. 140, para 1, sent 1

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here

Exceeding Wound Threshold

p. 140, para 2, sent 1

“non-Player” should be “Non-Player”

States of Health sidebar

p. 141, bullet point 3, sent 1

“critical injuries” should be capitalized

Critical Injuries

p. 141, para 1, sent 2

“critical hit” should be capitalized

Other Ongoing Status Effects

p. 141, para 1, sent 1

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here

Table 6-10

p. 142, Details for 06-10

“hero” should be “PC”


p. 143, para 1, sent 1

“Edge of the Empire” is missing here

Medical Care

p. 143, para 4, sent 1

“critical injuries” should be capitalized