Here are some suggested revisions for Chapter II. Obviously, these are only suggestions as some suggestions might be against the intent of the designers, particularly the decision regarding what talents are permanent abilities.
Character Generation
p. 28, col 1, para, 1 - Text states “. . . players invest their experience points to improve starting characteristics, acquire training in key skills, choose starting equipment, learn special talents . . .” This does not appear to be true from the text. While the starting equipment rules are vague, see below, Step 6 on pp. 64-65 do not provide any rules for investing experience in order to choose starting equipment. This is also contradicted by the text of Step 6 on the bottom of p. 28.
Character Generation Steps
Step 2: Determine Obligation
p. 28, col 1, para 6 - “More on Obligation is covered on page 30.” Text incorrectly cites to page 29.
Step 4: Select Character Class
p. 28, col 2, para 2 - Perhaps change “These skills should be checked . . .” to “Place a check mark next to these skills . . .” Changes to active voice and brings in line with discussion of skills with check marks on p. 64. Also, “should be checked” may be unclear.
Step 8: Determine Starting Motivations
p. 29, col 1, para 1 - An abbreviation for experience points is given here even though it is not the first mention of experience points and the abbreviation XP isn’t used again for another page. Perhaps move the abbreviation to Step 6 which discusses investing experience points.
Step 9: Finishing Personal Touches
p. 29, col 1, para 4 - “(see pages 30 and 66 respectively).” - Text incorrectly points to page 29.
Step 2: Obligation
p. 30, col 1, para 2 - “During character creation, players not only customize their characters by selecting skills or characteristics, but also . . .” Adding also after “but.” Another nitpicky rule.
31, Assembling the Group’s Obligation - sidebar references a “ship character sheet” at the back of the book. No such sheet is included.
p. 31, Assembling the Group’s Obligation - at one point text refers to “Obligation Check Chart” and another refers to “Obligation Check chart.”
p. 31, Assembling the Group’s Obligation - “For example, consider a party with four PCs, . . .” Change Player Characters to PCs to bring in line with style.
p. 31, Assembling the Group’s Obligation - “Oskara’s obligation is duty (in this case, her duty to her clan back home). 41-VEX’s obligation is Debt (the cost of purchasing his own freedom). Lowhrrick’s Obligation is Oath (he’s sworn to hunt down the Trandoshan slavers who kidnapped his family). Pash’s Obligation is Favor . . .”
Obligations in Play
p. 31, col 1, para 2 - “Before each session, the GM makes a percentile roll . . .” Makes this consistent with description of percentile rolls on p. 11.
Obligation Check Results
p. 31, col 1, para 3 - “if the rolls is greater than the group’s total Obligation . . .” Added “group’s” to make sentence more clear and to align it with analogous sentence in the paragraph below.
p. 31, col 2, para 2 - “This PC reduces his strain . . .” Change Player Character to PC to bring in line with style.
p. 31, col 2, para 3 - “. . . and the PC whose Obligation triggered . . .” Change Player Character to PC to bring in line with style.
p. 31, col 2, para 4 - “These mechanical effects represent either internal or external pressure on the PCs as a result . . .” Change Player Characters to PCs to bring in line with style.
p. 31 Table 2-3 - This appears to be the only place that the text states that PCs start with 500 credits. I could be mistaken about that. However, this probably could be made more clear.
p. 32, Example Obligation Check sidebar, para 4 - “In this case, Oskara, Lowhhrick, and Pash . . .” Added Lowhhrick, who was left out of the example.
p. 33 - Exceeding 100 Obligation and Obligation Cap sidebars should probably be switched. Currently, the text states the special case and then the reader learns that there is a special case.
p. 33 Obligation Cap sidebar - “While 100 is the top practical range on a percentile roll, . . .” Makes this consistent with description of percentile rolls on p. 11.
Step 3: Selecting a Species
p. 36, col 1, para 3 - “You can almost guarantee that a Gand’s breathing apparatus, translator, blaster, and shockprod staff are customized . . .”
p. 38, col 1, para 2 - “ . . . come from a society that emphasizes strength, skill at hunting, resilience, and self-reliance.” Added serial comma after “resilience.”
p. 38, col 2, Regeneration - text refers to “Bacta tanks” but on p. 143 text refers to “bacta tank.” However, page 89 refers to “Bacta tanks” so reference on p. 143 is probably incorrect.
p. 38, col 1, para 7 - Should there be a hypen in the sentence “A family’s five most important Twi’leks lead their respected head-clans . . .”
p. 38, col 1, para 8 - “Twi’lek leaders echibit disgust at any accusation of slavery and deny that they would ever put their own people in bondage.” Removed “, ” after “bondage.”
p. 39, col 2, para 1 - “materiel” has an odd accent mark over the first “e.”
p. 39, Species Abilities, “ Wookie Rage: When a Wookie . . .” Removed duplicate “Wookie Rage.”
p. 39, Species Abilities, Wookie Rage - “When a Wookie has suffered any wounds, his Brawl and Melee attacks deal +1 damage. When a Wookie is Ctirically Injured, his Brawl and Melee attacks deal +2 damage.”
Steps 4 and 5: Selecting a Career and Specializations
Bounty Hunter
p. 40, col 1, para 4 - “Most Bounty Hunters . . .” Added “Bounty” before “Hunters”
p. 40, col 2, para 2 - “. . . and Ranged (Light) . . .” Changed “Range (Light)” to “Ranged (Light)”
Gadgeteer Talent Tree Armor Master and Improved Armor Master in the text use the British spelling of Armor, rest of the text uses American spelling “Armor.”
Suvivalist Talent Tree - 5xp rank of Expert Tracker is marked as a Permanent Ability but 15xp and 20xp ranks are not.
The Colonist
Doctor Talent Tree - 5xp rank of Surgeon is not marked as a Permanent Ability but 15xp and 20xp ranks are.
Politico Talent Tree - One of the 5xp rank of Plausible Deniability is not marked as a Permanent Ability but the other ranks are.
Politico Talent Tree - The two 5xp ranks of Plausible Deniability have different wording.
The Explorer
Fringer Talent Tree, Fringer Bonus Skills - “Astrogation, Coordination . . .” Removed space after Astrogation before comma
Fringer Talent Tree - One of the 5xp rank of Street Smarts is not marked as a Permanent Ability but the other ranks are.
Fringer Talent Tree - The 15 xp rank of Rapid Recovery is not marked as a permanent ability but the 20xp rank is.
Fringer Talent Tree - Defensive Driver is mispelled at the 15xp level.
The Hired Gun
p. 52, col 1, para 1 - “The Hired Gun’s eight career skills are . . . Ranged (Light) ” Replaced “Range (Light) with “Ranged Light.”
Hired Gun Talent Tree - 5xp and 25xp ranks of barrage are not permanent but 10xp is.
Marauder Talent Tree - Text of Lethal Blows talents is the same, but the character spacing is different in the two boxes.
Mercenary Soldier Talent Tree - 5xp rank of command is not permanent but 15xp is.
The Smuggler
p. 56, col 1, para 3 - “That requires a job of such . . .” Added “a” before “job.”
Pilot Talent Tree - 5xp rank of Skilled Jockey is permanent but 10xp is not.
Scoundrel Talent Tree - The 10xp rank of Black Market Contacts has an extra space and period at the end.
The Technician
Mechanic Talent Tree - 20xp rank of Fine Tuning is permanent but 5xp is not.
Slicer Talent Tree - 5xp and 10xp ranks of Bypass Security are permanent but 15xp is not.
Slicer Talent Tree - 20xp rank of Defensive Slicing is permanent but 10xp and 15xp ranks are not.
Step 6: Invest Experience Points
Improving Characters
p. 64, col 2, para 1 - “(during gameplay . . .)” Changed capitalization of “During.” Alternatively, a period could be placed after “any later time” and the second clause set off as its own sentence.
Skill Training
p 64, col 2, para 3 - “The character should have check marks next to a number of skills based on his starting career and specialization.” Text refers to “profession,” but I believe it means “specialization.”
p. 64 Table 2-4 does not reflect the XP cost increase for training non-career skills.
Step 7: Determine Derived Attributes
Soak Value
p. 65, col 2, para 8 - “After determining this initial value, increases to a character’s Brawn rating increase his soak value.” Changed capitalization of “soak value” to align with style.
Step 8: Determine Motivation
p. 66, col 1, para 2 - “. . . to determine his character’s primary Motivation . . .”
Types of Motivation
p. 66, col 1, para 4 - “In Edge of the Empire . . .” Text refers to Edge of the Darkness which sounds like a great name for an adventure or supplement for the Edge of the Empire line
Changing Motivations
p. 67, col 1, para 4 - “. . . or the destruction of the character’s home planet for the Cause (Local Politics) Motivation.” Added “Motivation” to align with style.
p. 67, col 2, para 1 - “ . . . he should not receive any bonus experience points for his previous Motivation until . . .” Removed “and” after “Motivation.”
Secret Motivations
p. 67, c ol 2, para 2 - “ . . . the GM should note them and keep . . .” Removed “as done” after them.
p. 67, col 2, para 2 - Text refers to “Motivations listed below” but there are no Motivations listed below, all the Motivations come before. This section could be moved to an earlier part before the Motivation tables.
Step 9: Finishing Touches
p. 67, col 2, para 5 - “PCs may stem from a variety . . .” Changed Player Characters to PCs to align with style.
p. 68, col 1 - Height, weight, and build - text refers to meter.
p. 68, col 1 - Height, weight, and build - “. . . physical appearances to match their physical characteristics, Brawn and Agility.” Change capitalization of Brawn and Agility.
Step 10: Selecting a Ship
Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter
p. 68, col 1, para 8 - “Made by the now defunct Ghtroc . . .” Replaced “new” with “now.”
Additional notes:
A section on purchasing gear/weapons/armor, etc. might be nice to add. Something that clarifies how many credits the PCs have to start with.