Deck idea: Destroy opponent's resources via Torch the Joint! and Desertification. Recursion of Torch the Joint to keep opponent low on resources, while I can still play my characters. Lock down my opponent by having Negotium in play.
2x Professor Herman Mulder (Agency, 1)
1x Unorthodox Psychologist (Agency, 2)
2x Musem Security (Agency, 2)
1x John Henry Price (Agency, 3)
3x Night-shift Security (Agency, 3)
2x Harvesting Mi-Go (Shub, 2)
2x Ya-te-veo (Shub, 2)
1x Grasping Chthonian (Shub, 3)
2x Corrupted midwif (Shub, 3)
2x Y'Golonac (Shub, 2)
3x Faceless Abductor (Yog, 2)
2x Many-Angled Thing (Yog, 3)
2x Flying Polyps (Yog, 4)
2x The Large Man (Yog, 4)
1x Yog-Sothoth, Lord of Time and Space (Yog, 6)
2x The Red-Gloved Man (Neutral, 3)
2x The Stone on the Peak (Shub, 1)
3x Desertification (Shub, 1)
2x Small Price to Pay (Agency, 1)
3x Torch the Joint! (Agency, 1)
2x Thunder in the East (Shub, 1)
3x Burrowing Beneath (Shub, 2)
2x A Single Glimpse (Yog, 2)
3x Speak to the Dead (Yog, 3)
2x Negotium perambulans in tenebris (Neutral, 1)
52 cards
Torch the Joint and Desertification (very nice against some strong support cards) remove opponent's resources. Speak to the Dead makes Torch the Joint recurring. The Large Man too, he is supported by Stone on the Peak (so I have control about what card is the topmost event card). Stone on the Peak is also in the deck to slow down milling decks.
If the core idea works, the opponent is having problems paying 3 cost or higher characters, and his low-cost characters are trapped in Negotium. Ya-Te-Veo should be able to kill some of the trapped characters. The Red-Gloved Man increases the probability to bring negotium into play, and is a 3 cost character with willpower and investigation at the same time. Faceless Abductor is in the deck to bounce some 3 cost characters (not many of them have skill 4) back to my opponent's hand, from where he can't bring them into play again because I'm destroying his resources. A Single Glimpse and Many-Angled Thing should help in dealing with the rest.
Harvesting Mi-Go speeds up my own resourcing, Corrupted Midwife can be used to bring back characters, especially those with enter-play-responses.
The rest is pretty usual - Burrowing Beneath, Thunder in the East and Grasping Chthonian for support destruction (especially Snow Graves), A Small Price to Pay for character destruction, Y'Golonac is pretty good on his own, Unorthodox Psychologist allows me to know my opponent's hand, Prof. Herman Mulder is a nice starting character or can be used as an Agency resource (Torch the Joint has steadfast 2). Similar with Museum Security and Night-shift Security - 3 skill characters, with the latter even being a 3 cost character (good for negotium). Flying Polyps is nice (invulnerable, fast); Yog-Sothoth is my late-game character (which might re-curr spells like Single Glimpse and Speak to the Dead).
The deck idea is pretty nasty, similar to recurring Glimpse of the Void each turn and shutting the opponent down. If the deck is running good, my opponent can't do anything. But it's very frustrating for him (he can't really play the game anymore); and my deck is pretty fragile, too: If I have bad luck with faction distribution in my starting hand / mulligan, I have to wait too long to Torch my opponent's resources and will likely lose the game. Negotium and Faceless Abductor help somewhat in delaying, but it's still fragile.
I won't improve or play this deck again as it is not fun to play against it if it is working ;-) But perhaps this is a strategy to be aware of when creating a deck.