Tomble's heroic feat

By Triu, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

ZXTR: "All players are in Entrance next to 3x4 room filled with 2 dragons and door behind dragons. Tomble use his heroic feat and disappear and necromancer summons Reanimate in Tomble's place. No dragons were killed on heroes turn. Dragons were not able to kill anyone on OL turn. On next heroes turn they are also failed to kill at least one dragon. Where should Tomble appear?"

In one of the dragons' stomach. If it isn't dead by the end of Tomble's turn, allowing him to carve his way out into the open, he is digested and deposited on the floor as a token.

First of all, I seriously hope this did not actually happen.

But, my suggestion would be forcibly dismissing the Reanimate, and putting Tomble back where he started.

I imagine this is a joke as well… but for the sake of having a decent argument when it comes up, this is how I would play it.

Assuming there is no where left for Tomble to spawn in the room. He still gets to move up to four spaces away, but this would put him through the door, and we cannot count spaces through a door. He is forced to reappear where he started, dismissing the Reanimate.

If the players start to argue, then the other alternative is that he does not get to reappear. He stays as a token and loses his turn. Chances are they take losing the familiar.