Looking for Call of Cthulhu playmats

By dboeren1, in CoC Trade Forum

If you've got any extra Call of Cthluhu playmats that you don't need/use, let me know - I'm looking to buy some.

Please post a pic of any mat you have so I don't end up accidentally buying any duplicates.


I do have a duplicate of the playmat from the 2010 Out of Darkness game night kit that I do not need.

(note: Top is the foldup poster, bottom is the playmat)


That one, and the one from the recent Gencon 2012 tournament are the two I currently own - but thanks for the offer. And, now I know where it came from so I can identify it properly so thanks for that too :)

And while I'm here - big thanks also to Jeffrey Secrest who gave me the 2010 mat at Gencon after overhearing that I didn't yet own any and was looking for some.

i'd LOVE to buy one if anyone has an extra or an unloved one.

hellfury? would you sell THAT one?


Do you still have that playmat and would you sell it?