Shipping ETM

By KjetilKverndokken, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

So anybody knows when FFG starts shipping the orders? They do have all the books printed :)

I believe that they start shipping out on August 27.

Eddie1969 said:

I believe that they start shipping out on August 27.

Next monday eh? is that official from somewhere?

I'm hoping that 27th is for retailers and those kits they get, while individual purchases will ship right now (with THOSE shipping prices I better have the book soon) :) I asked Customer Service this question, still waiting for an answer.

i noticed on the order form, that they did not mention that it wasnt same day shipping --- if there was a delay in the order, it would/should have said so.

Wulfherr said:

..snip…(with THOSE shipping prices I better have the book soon) :) …snip…

Wurd. for 14 bucks a book had better show up wrapped in archival plastic, bacon wrapped around the plastic, and lovingly carried to your door by Odin riding Sleipnir. Oh, and an epic John Williams conducted symphony waiting for you to open the front door.

It was 40$ for me, so yeah, actually ;)

Callidon said:

Oh, and an epic John Williams conducted symphony waiting for you to open the front door.

Just go throw on some Holst. That's who Williams stole everything from anyway. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Regarding the shipping-date:

"Certain participating North American retailers will carry the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta in early September, as shipping will begin the week of August 27th, 2012 ."

That's from the Q&A-page over here:

Eddie1969 said:

Regarding the shipping-date:

"Certain participating North American retailers will carry the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta in early September, as shipping will begin the week of August 27th, 2012 ."

That's from the Q&A-page over here:

I really wish they'd made that known on the order page. I purchased this as a gift and now I'll be empty-handed :(

That's for retailers. Considering the run is limited to 5,000 and they handed out some at Gencon I suspect individual orders will begin soon.


My order says "Pending Shipping" but since is my first order directly with FFG I have no idea how long it takes from Pending to Shipped.

"International customers should check back in the coming weeks, when we'll post an update about international availability. "

I hope this means for those wanting to get the book at retailers, not for us that ordered….

looks like they are shipping now.

I just got my shipping confirmation email :)

Awesome!!! Thx for the info! :)

Very nice! Did you order Friday or Saturday?

Yeah I got my email confirmation as well that it went out today and I ordered mine on the 18th,.

"Went out"? Do you mean that it's been shipped? *blinks hopefully*

Yes it was SHIPPED!!!! today :)

Huh… I ordered mine on the 18th too, and have not received any such e-mails. :(

Mine was ordered on the 17th, but mine remains listed as "pending shipping" with no shipment email, so they do not appear to be shipping out in order of receipt.

ajtheronin said:

Very nice! Did you order Friday or Saturday?

Neither, I ordered it yesterday morning. Maybe they are being sent by order of shipping method? I chose UPS for my shipping. It did state that UPS is usually shipped within 1 business day whereas USPS (the default shipping method) is shipped within 2 or 3 business days.

NathanPButler said:

Mine was ordered on the 17th, but mine remains listed as "pending shipping" with no shipment email, so they do not appear to be shipping out in order of receipt.

That's discouraging. :( Here's hoping Priority Mail makes up for lost time!

Could depend on how you had it sent. I opted for priority mail, so I'm working under the assumption that FFG while open probably worked limited hours due to the convention. Most mail shipments have a specific cut off time, whereas UPS usually picks up shipments at the end of the day so that might explain it..


Gallandro said:

Could depend on how you had it sent. I opted for priority mail, so I'm working under the assumption that FFG while open probably worked limited hours due to the convention. Most mail shipments have a specific cut off time, whereas UPS usually picks up shipments at the end of the day so that might explain it..

Same here. I opted for Priority Mail, which is why I'm so keen that it arrive as early as possible: I mean, it was around $40 (for delivery alone)…