"Snare!" Trash cost zero, so how does it ever take effect?

By player266669, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

The rules allow a Runner the opportunity to trash an accesses asset by paying its trash cost. Snare! is a harmful asset of the Ambush subtype that can do some pretty serious harm, but it has a trash cost of zero. Maybe I'm not understanding the timing here, but what Runner wouldn't pay a trash cost of zero to avoid this card's harmful effect?

Snare activates when you access it, then you can trash it after you access it. You can't trash it before it activates.

Okay, that sounds reasonable, but what's the point in the Netrunner trashing cards he accesses? If adverse effects on assets can still harm you before you trash them, why would ever pay their trash cost? What is it even there for?

If you don't pay the trash cost it goes right back to where you accessed it from. If that's R&D then it will get drawn, go into HQ where it can hit you again. Eventually it will go into a remote server just to add insult to injury. Luckily, 0 trash cost means you can put it in Archives for FREE, so if it ever hits you more than once it's on you.

So would the "Snare1" card's effect be considered a triggered effect with the triggering condition of "When the Netrunner accesses this card…"? I am trying to get my head around the timing rules for this game, and I think it's starting to become clearer.

It says so in the specific Snare card text. You can activated it when the Runner access the card. And that is before (s)he can trash it.

Sparky's run flow chart gives a much better feeling for the timing but I'm not sure if it's still valid for the new NR:


The classic flowchart is definitely invalid. Accessing cards has changed significantly enough that it would only cause more confusion to consult it.

You now deal with each accessed card from start to finish individually. You access a card, deal with the effects of accessing it (ambush, scoring, win immediately if it's a game winner), trash it (if possible) and then move onto the next one. You also don't see the cards you're accessing until you access them so order is incredibly important.

So if you access the top two cards of R&D with no cards in hand and they're a game winning agenda and a Snare!, you'll have to blindly pick one to access and deal with it completely before getting the next.

ffaristocrat said:

The classic flowchart is definitely invalid. Accessing cards has changed significantly enough that it would only cause more confusion to consult it.

You now deal with each accessed card from start to finish individually. You access a card, deal with the effects of accessing it (ambush, scoring, win immediately if it's a game winner), trash it (if possible) and then move onto the next one. You also don't see the cards you're accessing until you access them so order is incredibly important.

So if you access the top two cards of R&D with no cards in hand and they're a game winning agenda and a Snare!, you'll have to blindly pick one to access and deal with it completely before getting the next.

Multiple R&D Accesses have been clarified, they are in deck order, from top towards the bottom. The Runner does not get to pick anything other than 'next available card in R&D'. They may still access and/or trash any upgrades in the R&D root prior to access (but things like Red Herrings will be in full effect even if trashed per the card's description).

Removing erroneous double post.