On Page 10 under FORCE DICE it states:
"but the resources maybe Dark Side, Light Side, or a Mix of both."
This seems odd as the set has only one FORCE DIE and none of the sides have both colored pips…
Did I miss something?
On Page 10 under FORCE DICE it states:
"but the resources maybe Dark Side, Light Side, or a Mix of both."
This seems odd as the set has only one FORCE DIE and none of the sides have both colored pips…
Did I miss something?
Possibly does it mean that the force the character draws upon can be either or both, but that in terms of dice actually rolled it is the same?
You can only roll one type of symbol on one die, but if you roll multiple force dice, it's certainly possible to get a mix.
Read the section on the Force Die. It is not a die used "in play" rather, it is used before play. The die is used to have each player roll once. The corresponding number of Light or Dark points generated go into the communal "Destiny Pool" for Gameplay. The GM uses the Dark points and the Players use the Light points. Each use "flips" the used point from one aspect to the other. It represents a Net-Zero-Sum pool of resources for the accomplishment of "Big-****-Hero" moments or GM driven gotchas.
The other use of the Force Die is found on p 178, where the die is again used to generate a resource pool for use, rather than being rolled to generate a specific result or check. A force User attempting to use a force power needs to generate a resource pool of Force Points to actually fuel their power's useage. You roll the Force die a number of times equal to your character's Force rating, keeping Light results and discarding Dark results. These become your power resource pool and are discarded/spent with each power activation.
Dark side users (for the) GM use the reverse of this tactic.
Additionally, a Light side user can use the Dark Side points generated by this roll to create additional Force Points for their resource pool, however it requires the flipping of a Light Destiny point for each one.
Force use is not otherwise checked for or rolled, unless it otherwise specifies use in conjunction with another ability. Force use "just happens" successfully automatically, as long as you have the available pool of resource to spend on your given power at the level you want to activate it at (see the Force Power Trees)