Did anyone at Gen Con get a chance to play the new Rune Age expansion "Oath and Anvil"? I'm dying for any news on how it plays and when it will be available. This is at the top of my must buy list and I'm desperate for spoilers.
Rune Expansion at Gen Con
Style75 said:
Did anyone at Gen Con get a chance to play the new Rune Age expansion "Oath and Anvil"? I'm dying for any news on how it plays and when it will be available. This is at the top of my must buy list and I'm desperate for spoilers.
yeah,were are the spoilers?
some people bought it at Gencon :
I bought a copy while I was at GenCon. I haven't gotten a chance to try out all of the new cards yet, but what I have played has been awesome.
The two new races are both very interesting and fun, a lot of the orc abilities trigger when you have any empty hand size and the dwarves have a lot of powers dependent on gold.
I haven't had a chance to try out the new scenarios, but they both look really fun. I can't wait to play the overlord scenario that is 3v1 or 2v1.
They also added Mercenary cards that are really just three randomly selected neutral cards that can be added to any scenario.
I'm not entirely sure if this is the answers you are looking for, so if you have any questions feel free to ask them.
What are the new elf unit cards like? Can you give any spoilers? I felt the elves were the weakest of the original 4 factions and I'm hoping they got a boost from this expansion pack.
Was there any mention of when this game will be available for purchase outside of gen con? Also, did anyone at the FFG booth say anything about Rune Age in general? This game was a big hit at last years Gen Con and then…. nothing. There's hardly been any mention of Oath and Anvil. They're certainly pushing it like they do many of their other games.
Any info you can give would be appreciated. Thanks
When I get home, I'll post the new cards for the original races.
I didn't hear any mention of a street date for Rune Age, in fact most of the talk that I heard from Fantasy Flight involved Android:Netrunner (which was a big seller if you hadn't heard). I didn't really specifically ask anyone about Rune Age though, so there may have been something to learn there about it.
I was surprised to even see Oath and Anvil at Gencon since there hadn't been any previews or news about it at all. I can say that unfortunately they were not sold out by Saturday. Most of their other new releases were sold out by Saturday.
Sorry that I don't have much news about the future of Rune Age or this expansion, but I can and will give you the spoilers when I get home. I can also safely say that this expansion is an awesome buy.
I'm glad to hear the expansion is a good buy
And I eagerly look forward to any spoilers you post. I'm absolutely mystified why FFG has not made a bigger deal out of Oath and Anvil. I know a LOT of people who bought and really liked Rune Age and it seems like this expansion is slipping through the cracks. Hopefully it ships to retailers soon.
Latari Elves
Leonx Rider
3 strength
3 gold
when played: Spend 1 influence to choose any player. That player chooses and discards 1 card from his hand. If you choose yourself, you may draw 1 card before discarding.
Forest Guardian
4 strength mythic (mythic cards go to the discard pile when destroyed instead of its place of origin)
6 gold
This unit cannot be wounded or destroyed in combat. The abilities of friendly units in this combat cost 1 less influence to use.
Uthuk Y'llan
Blood Sister
3 strength
3 gold
when played wound 1 participating unit (friendly or opposing). If "Blood Sister" wounds itself, place 1 "Beserker" from your barracks directly into this combat.
4 strength Mythic
6 gold
Resolution: Discard 1 wounded participating unit (friendly or opposing) from this combat to add 4 strength to this "Obscene"
Daqan Lords
Novice Wizard
2 strength
3 gold
When Played: Discard 1 card from your hand to draw 1 card
Roc Warrior
5 strength mythic
6 gold
when played return 1 friendly unit in this combat to your hand (other than a Roc Warrior)
Waiqar the undying
strength 3
gold 3
when played: Reveal up to 4 card from the top of your deck. Discard any number of those cards and return the rest to the top of your deck in any order.
Barrow Wyrm
strength 4 mythic
gold 6
when played: Choose 1 unit card in your discard pile and add it to your hand.
Well, that's the list of the new cards in the older races, enjoy.
Absolutely awesome! Thanks for the spoilers. I'm so stoked for this game. I agree with Style75: why the complete and utter silence about this game?
First of all, thanks a million for the spoilers. I can't wait to see the art that goes along with these cards. I love looking at the cards almost as much as I like playing the game.
It looks like the elves got a nice power boost (I really like the offensive power of the Leonx Rider to counter Uthuk and Undead) but I fear it won't be enough to make them contenders considering the other races got a hefty power boost as well. I guess I'll have to play it to figure out how this changes the strategy of the elves. I like the high cost "mythics" and think they could really shake up the game for players who preferred to zerg their opponents with low cost units. The power of the vampire will be hugely effective but it will be tricky to make sure you put the right number of them into your deck. Overall, the most lackluster cards here are the Daqan Lords (humans) whose powers seem very plain Jane. I'm looking forward to seeing the orc and dwarf cards and seeing how they mix up the strategies people have been using to dominate the game.
Thanks for the spoilers, any more would be greatly appreciated!
I still haven't gotten around to playing with all the new cards (too many new games
) and mostly I've been trying out the two newer races. One of the new scenarios in the game has you capture power locations. These locations replace the neutral cities and each are worth a certain number of power points each turn. The first player who gets 20 power wins. It is my favorite scenario now.
The Orcs and Dwarves are really fun to play. Since several of the Orc abilities trigger from having 0 cards in your hand, the race encourages you to go all out on one attack, instead of making several smaller ones. Dwarves are very annoying to play against. They have one card that allows them to look at an opponents hand and take a gold card worth 2 or less gold. It's not too bad, especially later in the game, but when you're trying to build up your deck at first, having some 2 gold cards stolen. They also have moe uses for gold such as a unit who can discard a gold card to add to their strength value.
I agree that the Daqan Lords abilties are a bit plain Jane. I also feel that the powers of all of the Daqan Lords cards are plain though.They also tend to be fairly powerful, especially when all of the players are new to the game.
The high cost mythic units are a pretty cool concept. However, I rarely get enough gold to buy them unless I'm playing Dwarves. Next game that I play i'll try playing elves and report how they stack up with these newer units. I'll see about a few more spoilers, but I don't think I'll have time to spoil all of the cards. I'll see about posting a couple of key cards for orc and dwarves.
thank you very much for the spoilers,Kaic.can't wait to get it.
Thanks for the new details about he expansion. This game was a little bit underrated and I hope that the expansion will beef it up so that it obtains the recognition it deserves.
Woohoo! The Upcoming page has been updated! Oath and Anvil is now on a boat!
Budgernaut said:
Woohoo! The Upcoming page has been updated! Oath and Anvil is now on a boat!
I know what you mean. It caught me off guard when I saw this also. Now if only the lieutenant figures for Descent 2nd Edition will hop on the same boat.
It seems really weird to me, there's only been that initial announcement back in the day and now it's on the boat? Not like FFG not to pump out the previews, after all!
I'm a french player of Rune Age and we haven't got the Oath and Anvil Expansion available yet in our country.
Could you list the description of Orcs and Dwarves Units like you did for the others races ? Thank you !