Card list on mobile device?

By player1701444, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game


What app are you guys using to manage cards on a mobile (Android) device? It seems there are several generic database apps for Android. I haven't found any LCG specific apps though.

Back in the old days I managed my cards and deck list with the built-in database and spreadsheet of my trusty old Psion 5.

Any pointers will be appreciated.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'manage'. I just enter my card lists into Excel.

If you're talking about deckbuilding, I don't think there's a solution yet that works on a smartphone. I'm using either Nyarlazorbec's deck builder or CardgameDB for that and just store the finished decks as pdfs on my smartphone.

I used the old database app similar to excel. The app was much better suited to the small display. It allowed sorting/filtering and allowed showing single cards as one record on the screen. Really helped my a lot in refining my ideas on the go. For deck building I used the spreadsheet app that allowed basic excel operations (sums, min/max, median values etc.).

I think the Memento android app offers similar functionality. I'll see if I can import the Google Doc card list.