On page 144 under stimpacks it doesn't state a time duration until stuns work at their full potentional again. Sounds like its 1 day but if so 1 day from one? Midnight? Or 24 hours from first use? Or sleep? That rule should be clarified considering stims heal 10 times faster then any other method.
Aim on page 130, first red dotted paragraph. It says if a character aims two consecutive maneuvers he gets two black set back dice "on his next combat roll". What does that mean? If he aims longer it gets harder haha? It looks like they are supposed to be two blue boost dice
On page 134 bottom left corner it reads "Erelies on broad terms…" my guess would be it should read "Edge of the Empire relies on broad terms…"
On another note theres no level 1 example character so it's really hard to have a guide what we should spend our starting exp on. Could you guys post one soon?