Error in the Run Timing Graph?

By Anarchosyn, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Pg. 33

If you read the sequence from point 2 to point 3, it prohibits using paid abilities or rezzing before the Runner encounters ice, provided the ice is already rezzed (but allows it for unrezzed ice).

Oversight or change?

That has got to be an oversight. One of the key principles of upgrades that modify ice is the ability to wait until the runner is encountering the ice before rezzing them.

Point 3 does show that you can use paid abilities on rezzed ice, but not rezzing of other cards- this looks to be an oversight as it knocks the wind out of upgrades like Corporate Troubleshooter and Experimental Data.

Given the "only time the approached ice can be rezzed" line in point 2, I think the omission of the rez entry might have been for clarification that rezzing ice is a one time cost.

Has been this question solved? Can I rez cards, when the runner is approaching rezzed ice?

Yes. You can. For example - runner approaches a rezzed piece of ice. You can rez corporate troubleshooter.

Paul Grogan said:

Yes. You can. For example - runner approaches a rezzed piece of ice. You can rez corporate troubleshooter.

Side questions, when the runner approaches a piece of ice in one of your remote servers, can you rez other non-ice cards (like upgrades or assets) in other servers? Or only in the server the runner is running on?

Butaman551 said:

Paul Grogan said:

Yes. You can. For example - runner approaches a rezzed piece of ice. You can rez corporate troubleshooter.

Side questions, when the runner approaches a piece of ice in one of your remote servers, can you rez other non-ice cards (like upgrades or assets) in other servers? Or only in the server the runner is running on?

Yes, you can rez in other servers. I used Account Siphon on my first turn (running on HQ to steal money). As a response the corp rezzed SanSan City Grid in a remote server, leaving me with very little money taken :(

Thanks a lot. Now if only my copy of the game would finally arrive…..

Paul Grogan said:

Yes. You can. For example - runner approaches a rezzed piece of ice. You can rez corporate troubleshooter.

Where are you getting this ruling from?

Butaman551 said:

Side questions, when the runner approaches a piece of ice in one of your remote servers, can you rez other non-ice cards (like upgrades or assets) in other servers? Or only in the server the runner is running on?

This is possible; any time the little [rez] symbol appears in the timing structure diagrams, cards can be rezzed. This includes cards not currently in the server being run on. The only restriction to rezzing is ice. Ice can only be rezzed in step 2.1 of the run timing structure (p. 33 of rulebook), and only if it is the specific ice being approached.

hollis said:

Paul Grogan said:

Yes. You can. For example - runner approaches a rezzed piece of ice. You can rez corporate troubleshooter.

Where are you getting this ruling from?

Pretty sure Lukas answered it somewhere, either here on on BGG

Paul Grogan said:

Pretty sure Lukas answered it somewhere, either here on on BGG

A link for reference would be awesome!

Indeed. There is no official answer. But I am 99% sure that you can. Having a rezzed piece of ice on R&D and a Corporate Troubleshooter installed in the root, then not being able to rez the upgrade and use it when the runner approaches the ice is just not right.

But until the FAQ, you may choose to play however you wish.

I also just found this from Lukas:

"You should be able to rez cards approaching any piece of ice; I'm looking into this one in more detail and I would expect an official ruling whenever we release the first FAQ"

Thanks! Good to know we have an official stance on the matter. This makes corporate troubleshooter a billion times better!

I do not have access to my rulebook at the moment, but doesn't the run example from it have the Jinteki player rezzing Akitaro just before rezzing a piece of ICE?

The Timing Structure of a Run chart has the Rez symbal as an option just as a Runner approaches ICE. At the top of the chart it says (purple rez symbol = Cards can be rezzed). It doesn't say Ice can be rezzed, it says cards. It also says paid abilities can be triggered at the same place. So I would say, rez away with whatever cards you want.

Ariston said:

I do not have access to my rulebook at the moment, but doesn't the run example from it have the Jinteki player rezzing Akitaro just before rezzing a piece of ICE?

What's causing the debate is the way the Timing Structure is setup. It gives rez as an option when approaching an unrezzed piece of ice, but not a rezzed piece of ice. Lukas has already just about said this is a mistake, but we need to wait until he has had a chance to look into more. Maybe he'll let us know for sure in the FAQ.

2. The Runner APPROACHES the outermost piece of ice not already approached on the attacked server. …Either the Runner JACKS OUT: go to [5] (cannot jack out if this is the first ice approached this run)

…Or the Runner continues the run: if the approached ice is REZZED, go to [3]; if the approached ice is UNREZZED, go to [2.1].

2.1 (only time the approached ice can be rezzed) **symbols for rez and paid abilities appears here**
…Either the Corporation REZZES the approached ice: go to [3]
…Or the Corporation does not rez the approached ice and the runner PASSES it: go to [2] if there is another piece of ice protecting the server, go to [4] if there is not another piece of ice protecting the server.

3. The runner ENCOUNTERS a piece of ice. **symbol for paid abilities appears, but not the rez symbol**

3.1. The Runner can break SUBROUTINES on the encountered ice.

3.2. Resolve all subroutines not broken on the encountered ice.
…Either the run ends: go to [5] …Or the run continues: if there is another piece of ice installed protecting the server, go to [2]; if
there is not another piece of ice protecting the server, go to [4].