This evening, our group played The Descrated Tomb. 2 Heros.
The OL won the first encounter.
So, in the second encounter, the hero's lost their first turn. Sir Alric received 8 movement points (1 per fatigue won in encounter 1), and moved halfway across the board.
The OL had a dash card.
The OL had a frency card.
The OL got to go first.
The OL (Sir Alric) was able to enter the dragon lair and pass his awareness check, thus not waking up Khorayt the Shadow Dragon.
Over the course of the next few turns, while a giant was blocking the hero's attempt to get through the frozen cave and across the bridge to the dragon's lair, the OL was able to attack Khorayt (15 hearts) 5 times. The attack was made with the Blue-Red-Red dice. Surge was +2 Hearts. Surge was Pierce 5.
All 5 attacks hit. Total damage = 11. Yes, that is correct, 11. One more time, 11.
OL lost the encounter.
For Sale: Slightly used D2e dice set …. CHEAP. ROTFLMAO.