You guys are being silly.
This is a good idea. My rebel pilot has no reason to hang out with a smuggler, nor does my jedi-in-hiding. All those characters go on different sorts of adventures. It only makes sense to think of them as separate but mostly compatible games.
Its also incredibly hard to create material for some sort of omni-game that you guys are advocating. An adventure written for a group of fringers is radically different than for a squad of rebels than for a pack of jedi and friends. This way each player / GM can focus their spending on what meets the needs of their game. Personally I buy everything I can for Rogue Trader (and likely Only War) but take a pass on most of the other books in the 40k line. I don’t need a book of adventures for Space Marines so I don’t buy it. If you suffer from the pokemon disease (or OCD) and have to own them all then complaining is kinda without merit as you are going to buy whatever they make anyway. For the rest of us, this method empowers GMs and improves quality by focusing the vision.