Psion said:
Allow me to weigh in my two cents:
Star Wars is (or at least was, some folks would argue that Lucas seems bent on killing off his own franchise) a grand and timeless sci-fi retelling of classic fantasy troupes like the Hero's Journey and Good and Evil. The problem is that George's purely binary morality system (Light and Dark Sides of the Force) is actually as much of a handicap as it is a storytelling aid. The good are GOOD, the evil are EVUL, and everyone else gets no screentime. If Star Wars has one flaw, it's that the **** thing is set up to automatically choke any attempt to break out of the setting's simplistic morality.
That's why I like his original take on the Force. It's pretty non-traditional. The Jedi, the "good guys" of the setting are just, but cold and distant, focusing on suppressing their emotions. While the dark side, the bad guys, are all about being being emotional and embracing their humanity (or whatever species they are).
Star Wars (at least before the majority of EU and prequels) was an interesting blend of traditional fantasy tropes, and still-unique twists. At least that's how I've always seen it.