Anyone know of any participating retailers, or if there's a list somewhere around? Wanna support my FLGS if they are going to have it, but the stores I've called so far don't seem to know anything about it.
Participating Retailers?
Gotta remember that this is a very new announcement, and unless the retailer is watching the FFG announcements (like I am) they are going to be clueless about this opportunity. I'm very likely to take FFG up on this, as I know I have Star Wars gamers and I'm actually quite curious as to the system myself. I'm going to guess that you're not in the Cambridge, Minnesota, area, as it wasn't our store that you called.
I know my FLGS here in Denver CO is jumping on the wagon!
I know that it has been 8 months since you posted this, but I'm curious what store you are referring to in the Denver area. I live in Lakewood and am interested to see where people might be playing Edge of the Empire when the official rulebook is released.