@Ironman, Force users and lightsabers are in Edge of the Empire. You've got Jedi-like characters, or even full-on Jedi renegades if you're lucky. Check Youtube if you'd like to see confirmation, a few videos have already been posted under "Star Wars Edge of the Empire."
I guess that brings up the question, how does a character get these abilities? Is it a career, or a specialization?
@Wulfherr, here's a wonderful picture of the sticker sheet that comes with the beta I found tonight:
Mostly d8s, d12s, and d6s. I remember loving the funny dice mechanics for WHF3e, but I'm not too keen about their selected symbols this time. Minor gripe, but just looking at them doesn't give me that intuitive groking I had with WHF's dice. If anybody with the book wants to comment on the symbols, I'd appreciate that, or any other tidbits, as I'm sure you're swamped etc.