I'm actually quite surprised by this. I knew FFG had the license, but I didn't think an RPG was in the works. You guys have just made my weekend.
Is this the Star Wars Roleplaying game we're looking for?
Picking up my copy at GenCon.
thirty bucks for a beta is beyond a joke. FFG has lost the plot. Gouging fans like this really, now, beggars belief.
To say nothing of the bizarre publishing model, clearly in the same vein as 40k. Why do we need separate games? Absolutely ridiculous.
I understand a bit about how they did 40k, I just wish it all ported to one another a bit easier. I'm not quite sure about this yet until I actually see it, or at the least hear more about it. Does anyone actually own this yet? How does it play? Is it based off of the 40k system? Is it actually worth paying $30 to get a beta of 1/3 of the full game?
signoftheserpent said:
thirty bucks for a beta is beyond a joke. FFG has lost the plot. Gouging fans like this really, now, beggars belief.
To say nothing of the bizarre publishing model, clearly in the same vein as 40k. Why do we need separate games? Absolutely ridiculous.
signoftheserpent said:
thirty bucks for a beta is beyond a joke. FFG has lost the plot. Gouging fans like this really, now, beggars belief.
To say nothing of the bizarre publishing model, clearly in the same vein as 40k. Why do we need separate games? Absolutely ridiculous.
I actually wouldn't mind this IF there was also a $30 discount off the final Product for any Beta-book buyers. The Only War Beta cost ticked me off, as you were paying only for a pdf, but here you're getting an actual print book. Problem is, if you like it and want to buy the final product when it comes out, looks like you'll have to pay it's cost in total, with no discount - no matter how much changes between the beta and the final. Doesn't seem right to have to pay a (likely) higher full cost for extra art and fluff and fixed typos.
The lack of discount is actually the only thing keeping me from buying the Beta right now (and the fact that every bone in my body screams that I shouldn't have to
for a
And yeah, not sure on the publishing model they're using here… it could be awesome, but does this mean we'll have to wait 2 years before we can play Jedi? Does it mean having to by the core rules 3 times over like with 40k? I still, for the life of me, don't understand why they don't do the Core Rulebook/Extra Sourcebook model… anybody ever get an explanation from FFG on that one??
The dice mechanics sound like they may be relatively similar to WFRP 3rd. 3 Positive dice: Ability, Proficiency and Boost sound suspiciously like Characteristic, Skill Training and Fortune dice. There are 3 types of negative dice though, while WFRP 3rd only has two, so it sounds like have tweaked the system, and done away with some of the more fiddly elements.
If it's going to require a bunch of stuff like 3e does then I'm going to just stick with trying to do a conversion to Star Wars using the 40k books.
My gaming experience: I grew up on SW and have been an avid fan of both the SW universe and RPG's for over 30 years. I've enjoyed playing a very wide range of gaming systems, including 40K and systems of my own creation.
1) Making us PAY for a beta version of the game. It's hard to express my deep disappointment in this insult without using improper language. I will simply say I am …displeased.
2) All new dice. Really? Is that actually necessary? I've not seen this system, so am reserving judgement. However, when a gaming company requires you to buy all new equipment (like new 40K armies every other year), it feels like a decision made to make more money, as opposed to actually improving a system.
3) Three separate books, divided by classes. Judging by the first one, we're looking at a total of over 700 pages of gaming material. This means either there will be a ton of redundant material from book-to-book; or just to play this game, we will be flipping pages and moving books around constantly. Can you imagine sitting around a table with four other people, the table covered with all your typical gaming stuff PLUS THREE big books each? 15 books!?
I am deeply saddened to see this prelude to the next generation of the Star Wars RPG. I am perfectly happy to shell out cash for a product that will provide what it's supposed to. So far, this product looks like a thinly veiled attempt to sell as much crap to gamers as possible by creating a complex system requiring us to buy 100's of dollars of unnecessary material per person, then putting the Star Wars logo on it so we won't notice. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
For my part, I will stick to the Saga rules and extend a supporting thumbs-up to those still playing the D6 system.
I like streamlined rules, and personally think the d100 system used for the wfrp2 and 40k games is too slow and clunky for combat
I think ommiting jedi from the equasion is a mistake though, same as not having space marines in the first so many 40k books, why not try starting the line by selling the most popular things first.
I, for one, thank you for the opportunity to beta test the game. Even though it will cost me $30, I consider this money well-spent to ensure a well thought-out, balanced, and tested game.
I do not need a discount on the main book when it is released. If other games would have charged me money to get in on their betas early I would have paid them, too. I know a lot of people will disagree with me, and money is tight, but a full printed book (as opposed to the hastily slapped together PDFs that WotC is trying) is worth the money to me, and I am happy to pay it.
It certainly won't be the game I'm looking for if it heads down the WFRP 3rd ed route. The whole system was horribly clunky and I don't want to end up moving into a stance, selecting which card to use, adding all my dice pool up, throwing a ton of dice then being told I failed to do anything with that move and it will be six rounds until I can use it again but actualy it will be seven because I rolled an hourglass on one of my dice.
ironman said:
I think ommiting jedi from the equasion is a mistake though, same as not having space marines in the first so many 40k books, why not try starting the line by selling the most popular things first.
Well, you have to also consider the time period. "Edge of the Empire" suggests a time somewhere during the rule of the Empire, in which there were precious few Jedi running around. If you want a play experience grossly inconsistent with the establish Star Wars universe (ala the game Star Wars: Galaxies ), then that's one thing. But for me, especially during the Imperial Era, I like the feel of the Jedi being nearly extinct and relegated to myth while the Emperor rules unchecked, quelling revolts sledge hammer-style. So I can appreciate any efforts to keep that ambiance intact and our collective disbelief suspended.
That being said, if one of my PCs really wanted to play a Jedi and there were actually no extant rules for becoming a Force-user of any sort, I wouldn't have a problem with a homebrewed solution. Frankly, I'm sure it would be pretty easy to come up with something.
I, for one, pretty much agree with everything you say, DeckOfManyThings. I'm even pro on things like cards and special dice. Maybe that makes me a minority in this forum, but so be it. I've always found FFG products to be top-notch (and no, I'm not getting paid to say that : )).
Also, I think the "Edge of the Empire" is in reference to the location and character outlook as opposed to time line.
IronStar23 said:
I, for one, pretty much agree with everything you say, DeckOfManyThings. I'm even pro on things like cards and special dice. Maybe that makes me a minority in this forum, but so be it. I've always found FFG products to be top-notch (and no, I'm not getting paid to say that : )).
Also, I think the "Edge of the Empire" is in reference to the location and character outlook as opposed to time line.
Agreed on the top-notch products. In my experience, FFG's customer service is also excellent.
The reason I'm thinking Edge of the Empire is (in part) a reference to Palpatin's New Order is that there are references to "Imperials" and "Imperial Center."
True, but it also says that it takes "place during the height of the Rebel Alliance's struggle against the Galactic Empire."
I would think the "height of the Rebel Alliance" would be quite a bit into time of the Empire.
I'm reding the beta book right now. There ARE rules for force users, just not pre-Imperial "classic" Jedi. No cards, but yes to Special Dice. HOWEVER, the last page of the book is stickers to MAKE the special dice for free; they have a table in the book to let you just roll normal dice & translate them to the special values; and in the seminar today, they announced that there will be a FREE iOS and Android app for a specialty dice roller. :-)
Also… It appears that minis and maps are not required to play…
GM Chris said:
I'm reding the beta book right now. There ARE rules for force users, just not pre-Imperial "classic" Jedi. No cards, but yes to Special Dice. HOWEVER, the last page of the book is stickers to MAKE the special dice for free; they have a table in the book to let you just roll normal dice & translate them to the special values; and in the seminar today, they announced that there will be a FREE iOS and Android app for a specialty dice roller. :-)
Also… It appears that minis and maps are not required to play…
Thanks for sharing. If you don't mind I have a few questions:
How robust are the vehicle rules?
There are stats for Lightsaber? If yes what die it use?
How is damage tracked?
Thanks for sharing.
Think you just opened a can of worms Chris as being the first one to talk about what's in it. But yes, please explain a bit into mechanics and character creation if you will.
I haven't read a thing anyone has said so far on these forums and I'm not interested in these products at all, having spent a small fortune on WotC's recent RPG line which my play group uses just fine.
But I could not sit idly by without saying how AMAZINGLY COOL IT IS that they have a gand on the description page to this product. So, so cool! A very underappreciated race that is my favorite. Them and Trandoshans, which are also on the description page. Very exciting, even if I'm not buying this product.
ajtheronin said:
GM Chris said:
I'm reding the beta book right now. There ARE rules for force users, just not pre-Imperial "classic" Jedi. No cards, but yes to Special Dice. HOWEVER, the last page of the book is stickers to MAKE the special dice for free; they have a table in the book to let you just roll normal dice & translate them to the special values; and in the seminar today, they announced that there will be a FREE iOS and Android app for a specialty dice roller. :-)
Also… It appears that minis and maps are not required to play…
Thanks for sharing. If you don't mind I have a few questions:
How robust are the vehicle rules?
There are stats for Lightsaber? If yes what die it use?
How is damage tracked?
Thanks for sharing.
I'll answer what I can when I can. Still digesting the book. ;-). (it's only a few hours old, folks.). And I'm @ GenCon, and about to head to events, but I'll get to what I can as I read more and have time. Here's the first set of questions:
Vehicle Rules: I think they're as robust as you can get without a tactical map, and an abstract system (which it is). But there are detailed rules for hard points, weapon emplacements and custom equipment, maneuvers and capital ship combat. Planetary bombardment, piloting through stellar phenomena & terrain, hyperspace & sublight travel, complex vehicle action rules, and stat blocks for speeders, walkers, snub fighters, gunboats, transports, & capital ships.
Wargamers are going to hate it.
. (I love it.). Because of the abstract nature of it.
Lightsabers: is fully stated out. Base damage of 10, very rare/expensive, with other appropriate special bonuses.
Damage: is… Different. You have a Wound Threshold. Each point of damage inflicts one wound. Your character can only withstand so many wounds before he is incapacitated or suffers a critical injury. You also have a Strain Threshold and take strain for non-attack damage, such as fatigue, stress, mental trauma, etc. you can also sometimes voluntarily take starin to gain extra actions on your turn!
Love what seem to be included in the Vehicle rules. If it end up with a way to scale damage like the old WEG system and a Z-95 Headhunter stated I will weep of happines.
The damage seem to be similar to WHFRP 3e, or close to it. That's not bad since it is in the middle point between super-heroic and gritty (IMO)
Thanks for the answers. Highly appreciated.
I'd love to know about the rules for the Force, and range if I can squeak in a second question.
I've seen Force powers as skills that chew up your health, and as one time powers that recharge every scene. How are they handling it?
I'm guessing range will be in abstract brackets, similar to WHF3e's range. Close range, short range, long range, extreme range…
What "classes" are we looking at, if any?
I'll just have one question: how many types of dice are there and how many sides do they have? I'm probably gonna get the blank dice for the stickers, so I'd like to know which and how many, if you have moment
Thank you!
awayputurwpn said:
ironman said:
I think ommiting jedi from the equasion is a mistake though, same as not having space marines in the first so many 40k books, why not try starting the line by selling the most popular things first.
Well, you have to also consider the time period. "Edge of the Empire" suggests a time somewhere during the rule of the Empire, in which there were precious few Jedi running around. If you want a play experience grossly inconsistent with the establish Star Wars universe (ala the game Star Wars: Galaxies ), then that's one thing. But for me, especially during the Imperial Era, I like the feel of the Jedi being nearly extinct and relegated to myth while the Emperor rules unchecked, quelling revolts sledge hammer-style. So I can appreciate any efforts to keep that ambiance intact and our collective disbelief suspended.
That being said, if one of my PCs really wanted to play a Jedi and there were actually no extant rules for becoming a Force-user of any sort, I wouldn't have a problem with a homebrewed solution. Frankly, I'm sure it would be pretty easy to come up with something.
awayputurwpn said:
ironman said:
I think ommiting jedi from the equasion is a mistake though, same as not having space marines in the first so many 40k books, why not try starting the line by selling the most popular things first.
Well, you have to also consider the time period. "Edge of the Empire" suggests a time somewhere during the rule of the Empire, in which there were precious few Jedi running around. If you want a play experience grossly inconsistent with the establish Star Wars universe (ala the game Star Wars: Galaxies ), then that's one thing. But for me, especially during the Imperial Era, I like the feel of the Jedi being nearly extinct and relegated to myth while the Emperor rules unchecked, quelling revolts sledge hammer-style. So I can appreciate any efforts to keep that ambiance intact and our collective disbelief suspended.
That being said, if one of my PCs really wanted to play a Jedi and there were actually no extant rules for becoming a Force-user of any sort, I wouldn't have a problem with a homebrewed solution. Frankly, I'm sure it would be pretty easy to come up with something.
I know where your coming from, therefore they should have also went with a diffrent time period, but lets just think about force users during the empires rule
luke skywalker, leia skywalker, kyle katarn, mara jade, starkiller, rahm kota, shaak ti, quinlan vos, to name a few