Knights of the Hollow Hill
The Art of Seduction
Edict of the Rock
Loyalty Money Can Buy
Summoning Season
Rains of Autumn
Valar Morghulis
Ser Jaime Lannister CS
Tywin Lannister CS
Joffery Baratheon KoS x2
Tribes of the Vale x2
Painted Dogs x2
Son of the Mist x2
Tribeless Vagabond x2
Chella, Daughter of Cheyk
Tyrions Enforcers x2
Shagga Son of Dolf x2
Bronn LotR x2
Tyrion Lannister LotR x2
Black Ears x2
Timmet Son of Timmet x2
The Burned Men x2
Toll Gate x2
Coint Mint x2
Mountain Camp x2
Golden Tooth Vaultsx2
Golden Tooth Mines
Hall of Heroes
Lannisport Brothel
Double Bluff x2
Infamous! x2
The Wealth of the Rock x2
Make an Example x2
Im You Writ Small x2
Rise of the Mountain Class x2
A Lannister Pays His Debts x2
Gilded Plate x2
Devious Intentions x2
Gutter Rats Cunning x2
Ill-Begotten Spoils x2
I really liked the Knights of the Hollow Hill Agenda, and the Clansmen ability to attack / defend while being knelt so I decided I would build a deck to combine the two qualities I liked so much. The no setup was a little concerning so I had to figure out a way to slow my opponents marshalling so that I wasnt playing from behind early on. Thats where the income manipulation idea came into play. I decided Valar Morghulis, Rains of Autumn, Blockade, and the Art of Seduction would severly bog down any opponents chances of getting to many characters out on the board before I do. Since I could not have any income bonus cards I had to find ways to reduce costs of Characters and get added income elsewhere, thats where Coin Mint, Tywin Lannister, Wealth of the Rock, Hall of Heoes, and Gold tooth Vaults came into play. Opponents hand size had to be larger than mine in order to trigger some of the clansmens abilities so I wasnt over concerned with Intrigue, but I still managed to put 5 Characters with Intrigue into the deck just incase. The deck needs 2-3 characters to get out into play to really function at a high Level. Tyrion Lannister, Timmet, and Tywin Lannister. Tywin for the added gold, Tyrion for huge attacks (will often be running a challenge with Make an Example), and Timmet to save Vs. Valar Morghulis.
Character Costs
3 @ 5 gold
9 @ 4 gold
5 @ 3 gold
10 @ 2 gold
Deadly Characters 7 (+ 2 with Im you writ small)
Renown Characters 1
Stealth Characters 4 (+4 with devious intentions and gutter rats cunning)
Infamy 1 (+2 with Devious intentions)
There are a couple of Cards that Might get the AXE. Edict of the Rock might go since I will usually have most of my army Kneeling at the Dominance Phase. Joffery Baratheon although he is cheap and upgrades easily, add gutter rat or devious intentions and he can be real burly real quick.
Cards that I think Might go well with this deck
Fueding Clanswoman with the bonus Iniatiative I could always dicate the turn order which would be a plus.
Cersei Lannist LotR would be a great way for more stealth and deadly, plus the extra Intrigue challenge.
What do You think of this Deck Build? Any Thoughts on how to improve It? What do you see as its biggest Weakness?