My weekly group has been playing Dark Heresy and Deathwatch and plan to start a Rogue Trader campaign next week. A few of us also play 40k tabletop (even Necromunda) and have miniatures and terrain coming out of our ears. We're kind of a middle-of-the-road group that enjoys equal shares of story and hack-n-slash, having also played other RPGs.
Early on, I was surprised to see that the rule books didn't mention using miniatures (at least not much). I figured GW would want FF to integrate miniature combat into the game in order to sell more minis. We started our campaigns trying to use miniatures, but drifted away to a more loose, cinematic/storytelling style that didn't require minis because that seemed to work best with the rule set. Now, I stare at my shelves of 40k minis and terrain as they gather dust, wishing I could better implement them in the RPG.
Anyway, I had a few questions:
1.) What is your scale for measuring distances? Are you using one inch to represent one meter or two? Or something completely different. Neither seems right when measuring the "heroic scale" minis.
2.) Have you noticed ranged combat being overpowered when using miniatures? Was there a need to house rule the shooting distances to even up it's balance with melee combat? I'm used to the much shorter shooting distances from the 40k wargame. For instance, in 40k a lasgun has a max distance of 24" (table distance), in Dark Heresy it can fire up to 100 meters (which could possibly translate to either 100 or 50 table inches) which seems like REALLY long ways. Even a laspistol has a first range increment of 30m (so 30" or 15"). Seems like a good ranged fighter could consistently shoot a rifle all the way across a 6' gaming table with no range penalty and hit everything in between (discounting cover of course). Please let me know if I'm over-thinking this.
3.) Is there any Internet resource or blog that has already laid out some good guidelines for minature play? I doubt I'm the only one using minis so please help me not over-think and try to re-invent the wheel. I searched google and the FF message boards, but didn't have much luck finding anything.
Thanks much, enjoy the Grimdark and the Warham.