Hand of Fate - the boat has arrived!

By HappyDaze, in Black Crusade

signoftheserpent said:

Well, no, it's not in the distributor's court, that's the point! The distributors obviously are waiting to receive copies in order to ship them. I'd be extremely surprised if Esdevium were sitting on this given that gaming is a niche hobby and it makes them no money to hold off on rpg books! It would cost them to have stock sat in their warehouses as opposed to being available to shops to order, shops that probably want to order it.

Be surprised all you want, but it does happen. Local stores almost never stock RPGs and only RPGs - most sell card, board and miniatures games as well, and most favour one over the others (my local store caters more to board gamers and card gamers - RPGs are a niche-within-a-niche). In the wake of convention season - particularly in the month or so after GenCon - there is a huge amount of stuff released, and few local stores are of sufficient size to carry all of that stock (they literally don't have the room to store it all, let alone put it on the shelves). It's detrimental to sales overall if stores can't stock adequate quantity of items that will sell, so releases are spread out to ease this potential issue. Yes, it's costly to keep stock in the warehouses, but given that most distributors take 60% of the shelf price of the books they sell (that information is publicly available, so you can check it if you want), and they're the ones with the warehouse space to do such a thing if they feel it's necessary, it shouldn't be all that unbelievable.

Just had word from my FLGS that Tome of Fate is on the release list for next week here in the UK. The manager did comment that Esdevium does limited the total number of releases at a time, it's just typical that the one we're interested in missed out cool.gif

Orthus said:

Just had word from my FLGS that Tome of Fate is on the release list for next week here in the UK. The manager did comment that Esdevium does limited the total number of releases at a time, it's just typical that the one we're interested in missed out cool.gif

I'm still skeptical about this release policy, especially when they also have the NAvis Primer available for release next week as well, so if anything they should have spaced the releases out surely?

Also the page count on Tome is the same as the Lathe Worlds but is going to be about ten pounds more expensive. Why?

signoftheserpent said:

Orthus said:

Just had word from my FLGS that Tome of Fate is on the release list for next week here in the UK. The manager did comment that Esdevium does limited the total number of releases at a time, it's just typical that the one we're interested in missed out cool.gif

I've just seen the release sheet (its on their website).

I'm still skeptical about this release policy, especially when they also have the NAvis Primer available for release next week as well, so if anything they should have spaced the releases out surely?

Also the page count on Tome is the same as the Lathe Worlds but is going to be about ten pounds more expensive. Why?

Here in the USA both Lathe Worlds and Tome of Fate sold for $39.95 so it's likely that the pricing on one of those is incorrect.

HappyDaze said:

signoftheserpent said:

Orthus said:

Just had word from my FLGS that Tome of Fate is on the release list for next week here in the UK. The manager did comment that Esdevium does limited the total number of releases at a time, it's just typical that the one we're interested in missed out cool.gif

I've just seen the release sheet (its on their website).

I'm still skeptical about this release policy, especially when they also have the NAvis Primer available for release next week as well, so if anything they should have spaced the releases out surely?

Also the page count on Tome is the same as the Lathe Worlds but is going to be about ten pounds more expensive. Why?

Here in the USA both Lathe Worlds and Tome of Fate sold for $39.95 so it's likely that the pricing on one of those is incorrect.

If it is a mistake then it's down to Esdevium to correct this because that is an unacceptable price difference or an unacceptable mistake, but the price retailers will charge will be based on what Esdevium charge. It may be that this book is delayed for the same reason it's being listed at this ridiculous price.

IGUK are retauiling this, right now (!), for £29. That's as good as it's going to get, and they haven't let me down (itself a mighty feat) thus far. So i've ordered it. Hopefully i should get it monday/tuesday.

Just ordered mine from Gameslore at £27.49, so with shipping thats £30.25.

I'm happy with that :)

IGUK were being a bit naughty advertising it as being in stock over the weekend when it clearly wasn't. That's not cool.

i was tempted to order at gameslore, but the shipping cost was off the scale, i just can't do that…

FFG! Send some to germany pretty please! llorando.gif

Edit: Thx for mentioning IGUK. Placed my order there.

Got my copy today. Nice big scary demon on the front, fortunately didn't get sent to the wrong address.

I suspect that this book must have got caught in customs and the extra cost is to cover some stupid customs BS.

Why are the Lychguard stats different from those in Tome of Corruption?

It's not uncommon for stats to vary from book to book. Doesn't make it any less maddening mind you, but it does happen. I continue to do my utmost to make sure it doesn't happen where ever I can. Rest assured on that. gui%C3%B1o.gif


H.B.M.C. said:

It's not uncommon for stats to vary from book to book. Doesn't make it any less maddening mind you, but it does happen. I continue to do my utmost to make sure it doesn't happen where ever I can. Rest assured on that. gui%C3%B1o.gif


FFG, again, need better editors. This is where all their problems stem from.

Yes, it would still be nice to have stats for Lord of Change's melee attacks, or any other weapons they might have and be able to put to use with that Combat Master and Swift Attack talents they have :P

signoftheserpent said:

If it is a mistake then it's down to Esdevium to correct this because that is an unacceptable price difference or an unacceptable mistake, but the price retailers will charge will be based on what Esdevium charge. It may be that this book is delayed for the same reason it's being listed at this ridiculous price.

It should be noted that the prices printed on the books themselves are just the manufacturer's suggested retail price. The distributors can mark up as much as the stores they supply are willing to accept, and the stores that sell the product can again mark up as much as the customers are willing to pay. However, in today's world where online comparative shopping is easy, most will stick to the manufacturer's suggested retail price so as to stay competitive. OTOH, if you live in a locale that has limited options for obtaining the item, then those that provide it can mark up to what the locals are willing to pay. This also applies if their competition have other costs (like shipping and handling) that give them a relative advantage. They are under no obligation to fully pass on that advantage to the customer.

Short version: Sometimes capitalism can bite you in the ass.

HappyDaze said:

Short version: Sometimes capitalism can bite you in the ass.

Word! ;)

In my opinion, Brick&Mortar stores have absolutely no chance to beat the online-price and their customers know that. So in exchange for providing explanations, advice, being a local gamer community service, doing tournaments, etc. the stores charge the officially listed price (or even a bit more) and people are willing to throw a few bucks more to keep their favorite store alive. However, ridiculous overpricing wont be accepted.