Ideas for missions

By R2D3, in X-Wing

So… Ive been trying to think up some potential missions which could be fun to play.

How about a bomber escort mission? The idea would be roughly; Play on custom mat depicting a section of a star destroyer (obviously not the whole 6 odd metres it would be at this scale!). Mark two key points A and B at agreed positions (towards the empire end of the board).

Rebels have 1 or more Y-wings and some x wings, empire gets to see the rebel fleet choice (but not upgrades) before choosing thiers (to represent a 'home' advantage)

Rebels must get a Y-wing to point A (or within range 1 and firing arc), then must use a focus and attack to bomb the sheild generator there (perhaps with play-testing this would require 2 bombings)

Once this has been destroyed X-wings or Y-wings can attack point B ( again, from range 1 or closer) with proton torpedoes (after a focus) and on a critical hit only , can shoot a torpedo down the small opening there (why do the empire keep putting these **** things in!?) to destroy the Star Destroyer and WIN! players cannot use target lock on the vent opening (they have to use the force happy.gif )

Empire reinforces each turn to replace any lost ships with Tie fighters.

been mulling through a few other ideas in my head.

tweaks and suggestions to improve this are welcome!

Have any of you come up with any scenarios to play out?

A decent idea, but I think it could be simplified so players familiar with the game won't have to learn a bunch of new rules. To me, the whole point of scenarios is to provide alternate victory conditions, aside from "annihilate the opposing team." Adding a bunch of special rules like you described seems a bit tedious to me. You've added:

1) a custom map

2) home advantage, where the Imperial player gets to see the opposing team's ships (but not upgrades)

3) special rules saying the rebels must score a critical hit WITHOUT target lock to destroy the objective

4) Imperial reinforcements

Granted, the official scenarios have some rule changes, but they don't seem so drastic to me. It could work, but it seems like you could do without the home advantage, and replace the special targeting requirements with more targets (eg. two shield generators, the ventral energy generator and the bridge). Or just make different components have various hitpoints. That would force the Rebels to make multiple attack runs.

Also, I think you have to be very careful with the Imperial reinforcements special rule because that can unbalance the game in a hurry. The TIE fighters in Starship Battles had the Infinite capability, which basically made the Empire unstoppable. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it would require a substantial amount of play testing.

A death star trench run has been discussed at length here .

Honestly, my three best ideas for scenarios are included in the rule book: escorting a non-combat craft (Mission 1: Political Escort), flying in an asteroid field (Mission 2: Asteroid Run) and scanning targets for cago manifests (Mission 3: Dark Whispers). Okay, so my last idea is slightly different from in the rule book, but the official scenarios better than anything I could come up with. Probably because they've had months of play testing. I'm a scientist, not a game designer.

haslo said:

I've had a few ideas, too, posted them over at BGG before the rulebook was out:

I'll have to revisit them some time happy.gif

Thanks for posting those. Lots of great ideas in there. I'm eager to see if FFG produces some of these scenarios in future updates or products. The scenarios in the rule book give specific craft, so it would be cool to see some scenarios with a designated point limit, allowing you to customize specifically for the mission.

Parakitor said:

A decent idea, but I think it could be simplified so players familiar with the game won't have to learn a bunch of new rules. To me, the whole point of scenarios is to provide alternate victory conditions, aside from "annihilate the opposing team." Adding a bunch of special rules like you described seems a bit tedious to me. You've added:

1) a custom map

2) home advantage, where the Imperial player gets to see the opposing team's ships (but not upgrades)

3) special rules saying the rebels must score a critical hit WITHOUT target lock to destroy the objective

4) Imperial reinforcements

Granted, the official scenarios have some rule changes, but they don't seem so drastic to me. It could work, but it seems like you could do without the home advantage, and replace the special targeting requirements with more targets (eg. two shield generators, the ventral energy generator and the bridge). Or just make different components have various hitpoints. That would force the Rebels to make multiple attack runs.

Also, I think you have to be very careful with the Imperial reinforcements special rule because that can unbalance the game in a hurry. The TIE fighters in Starship Battles had the Infinite capability, which basically made the Empire unstoppable. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it would require a substantial amount of play testing.

A death star trench run has been discussed at length here .

Honestly, my three best ideas for scenarios are included in the rule book: escorting a non-combat craft (Mission 1: Political Escort), flying in an asteroid field (Mission 2: Asteroid Run) and scanning targets for cago manifests (Mission 3: Dark Whispers). Okay, so my last idea is slightly different from in the rule book, but the official scenarios better than anything I could come up with. Probably because they've had months of play testing. I'm a scientist, not a game designer.

see your points but…

1) custom map isnt a neccesity, but Im planning on making a fair few different background to play on anyway…. cloth with stars and galactic swirlsetc and a couple of pictures mounted on board for things like this.

2) realistically I dont think this is much of an imbalance at this point… as there are still very limited ship options and at least one y-wing is needed. nor do I think that this is exactly a hard rule to use, if it were desired…

3) destroying a star destroyer with some x-wings an y-wings SHOULDNT be easy! maybe im just in the kind of space hulk, unbalanced missions mindset…

4) perhaps this was badly thought out…but considering FFG are releasing a mission with exactly this rule change, id guess its been playtested and works.

your points are good though and I will take them into account. I had thought about more targets but figured that 1 hard target is the same as 2 easy ones…

Hey gang,

Just wanted to throw my thought in.

R2D2, I like your idea over all but I also see some issues. However, I think there are a few things that can simplify the situation.

1. Custom board. If you have it great. For those without, feel free to use two (or more) target tokens. Given the currently limited amount of bits for the game, you will likely have to create your own.

2. I would just drop the home advantage rule. A "home" advantage can be simulated in many other ways. You could unbalance the points (125 vs 100 or something), add turbo lasers (4 red dice 1 per turn, crits only maybe), or use the reinforcement rule.

3. I agree that the targets should just either get hit points or defense dice (didn't go in, just impacted on the surface…) You could even put like 5 shields on the main target and let attacks on other targets reduce the shields. There are a lot of options here.

4. The reinforcement rule is pretty powerful, but as you pointed out there is a lot of precedent for it (as much as there is a lot of precedent for anything in this game.) I would just use this for the whole home advantage feel.

I think a bit more tweaking and a bombing run mission would be pretty cool. I think we all need to play the game some before we can really start making missions however. Remember the FFG has got quite a bit of play experience. We may find out that bombing a specific target is harder (or easier) than we thought.

Keep up the good work!



Here is an interesting mission idea, how about an asteroid race? This could be a heavy combat scineario, like the Falcon trying to escape Hoth, or a "friendly" race with simulated lasers between pilots. For this I would use something like a 3' x 7' strip rather than a square. Fill it with asteroids and start all the ships at one end. First one across the far end wins.

This could be changed up based on the density of the asteroid field, or start some X/Y-wings a bit a head and put faster TIEs behind chasing them (probably Range 2 or 3 behind), or make it a down a back course with something you have to fly around at the end. Lots of good options here.



vadersson said:

Here is an interesting mission idea, how about an asteroid race? This could be a heavy combat scineario, like the Falcon trying to escape Hoth, or a "friendly" race with simulated lasers between pilots. For this I would use something like a 3' x 7' strip rather than a square. Fill it with asteroids and start all the ships at one end. First one across the far end wins.

This could be changed up based on the density of the asteroid field, or start some X/Y-wings a bit a head and put faster TIEs behind chasing them (probably Range 2 or 3 behind), or make it a down a back course with something you have to fly around at the end. Lots of good options here.



That certainly is a unique take on missions. I like it! Doing a chase scene would be pretty cool. The Rebels would probably spend most of their actions on Focus so that they can aid in their defense rolls. Do you know what would be sinister? If a Y-wing used the Ion cannon turret on one of the TIEs, causing it to fly right into an asteroid the next turn - KAPOW!

@R2D2: I am glad you added all the details of your scenario here. Most of the time we just see ideas for scenarios, but you let us know all the details. As I think about it more, I agree that requiring a critical hit to take out the vent is appropriately thematic for a Death Star run (although critical hits may not be that rare). My problem is just applying that to a Star Destroyer. Seems to me that taking out components (kind of like Battlefront II & Empire at War) is a better way to handle large enemy ships.

I think if they end up bringing capital ships into it, you could have a capture mission. The set up is a Corellian Corvette (Tantive IV or the like) and a Star Destroyer. The Rebels need to escape and the Imperial ship needs to do enough damage to slow down and capture the ship without destroying it.