Hero choosing not to stand up or be revived.

By Panzervike, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I can't seem to find anything concrete in the rule book, but is it possible for a hero that his been knocked out to forego the action of standing up on his next turn and just not do anything?

Basically in the encounter we just played, the OL had 1 player pinned down in a room with a Shadow Dragon while the rest of the group moved on to the objective. The hero did not want to stand up for fear that the Shadow Dragon would just knock him back out again.


Don't see why not … it's the only choice of action you have if someone doesn't revive you, but I don't think actions are ever mandatory.

Triu said:

Don't see why not … it's the only choice of action you have if someone doesn't revive you, but I don't think actions are ever mandatory.

I agree with this statement. I don't remember the rules saying anything about having to take your actions.

Agreed. Near the end of severl Encounter 1's in our Campaign, we have chosen NOT to have a hero stand up or be revived because we did not want the OL to have an easy kill, and thus add another card to his hand right before entering the second encounter. Since all heroes that are knocked out get a free stand up between encounters, this always seemed the best play.

Per Page 7 of the rule book you do NOT have to perform any actions. As Standup is an action, it is your option to do so.