I am a new player and have a tournament coming up and I don't know which list I want to play. Here are the two I was thinking about.
Platoon 1 - Sturmgrenadiere
Command - Kommandotrupp
Additional Support - Sniper
Section 1 - Heavy Flak
Support - Sturmkonig
Section 2 - Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Section 3 - Recon Grenadiers
Support - Wotan
Platoon Upgrade - Support
Support - Lothar
Platoon 1 - Sturmgrenadiere
Command - Kommandotrupp
Additional Support - Sniper
Section 1 - Heavy Flak
Support - Sturmkonig
Section 2 - Gorillas
Section 3 - Recon Grenadiers
Hero - Angela
Hero - Markus
Support - Wotan
I am leaning more towards list 2 right now, but the idea of three walkers on the table is so tempting.