First Tournament List, Axis 300

By Goreshde, in Dust Warfare General Discussion

I am a new player and have a tournament coming up and I don't know which list I want to play. Here are the two I was thinking about.
Platoon 1 - Sturmgrenadiere
Command - Kommandotrupp
Additional Support - Sniper
Section 1 - Heavy Flak
Support - Sturmkonig
Section 2 - Heavy Recon Grenadiers
Section 3 - Recon Grenadiers
Support - Wotan
Platoon Upgrade - Support
Support - Lothar

Platoon 1 - Sturmgrenadiere
Command - Kommandotrupp
Additional Support - Sniper
Section 1 - Heavy Flak
Support - Sturmkonig
Section 2 - Gorillas
Section 3 - Recon Grenadiers
Hero - Angela
Hero - Markus
Support - Wotan

I am leaning more towards list 2 right now, but the idea of three walkers on the table is so tempting.

Out of the two I would probably lean towards the second, but I would probably consider a mix of the two and substitute out Markus and the gorillas and get Lara in there somehow instead.. even just putting Lara in with the heavy Flaks makes the list deadly to any SSU chopper lists and you would be equally lethal to soldier units… maybe add in some heavy lasers to the wotan if you can fit them in and you will have some nice anti-tank in there as well… Or just stay with the Markus/Angela list as both are excellent heroes… thats good too, I just really like Lara lists now that the SSU are in town.

Good luck in your tourny.

Thanks for the feedback.

Where is Lara from, she was not at the game shop?

Here is what I am thinking with more Anti-Air (basically heavy recon grenadiers).

Command - Kommandotrupp

Section 1 - Recon Grenadiers

Support - Snipers

Support - sturmkonig

Section 2 - Gorillas

Hero - Markus

Section 3 - Heavy Recon Grenadiers

Support - Wotan + Armor

Section 4 - Battle Grenadiers + extra dude

297/300 points.

I can swap the Battle Grenadiers out for Laser Grenadiers, but I am not sure. I feel like 6 dudes and the 2 bazookas is better than the chance for lasers to hit twice.

The battle grenadiers upgrade dose not give you an extra man it just replace a rifle with a bazooka. so 2 guy with bazookas and 3 with normal guns. I really wish it just gave you a 6th though…

Goreshde said:

Thanks for the feedback.

Where is Lara from, she was not at the game shop?

Here is what I am thinking with more Anti-Air (basically heavy recon grenadiers).

Command - Kommandotrupp

Section 1 - Recon Grenadiers

Support - Snipers

Support - sturmkonig

Section 2 - Gorillas

Hero - Markus

Section 3 - Heavy Recon Grenadiers

Support - Wotan + Armor

Section 4 - Battle Grenadiers + extra dude

297/300 points.

I can swap the Battle Grenadiers out for Laser Grenadiers, but I am not sure. I feel like 6 dudes and the 2 bazookas is better than the chance for lasers to hit twice.

Lara is the hero in the revised core box set. Overall I liked your second list the top post the most, The only fear would be what snipers can do to it, but hopefully all the enemy snipers would be focused on Markus or Angela while the other is ripping the face off your opponent. Angela + Markus with Moneys is a great heavy hitting combo, but it is expensive to do.