I know ultimately it doesn't matter that much but I was curious out of all the scouts, (including conversion kit) which characters made the best Wildlander overall in peoples opinion? I know Tomble and Jane come with the base game but I have a hard time picturing Tomble as a Wildlander. I haven't had a chance to see the conversion kit so any insight on this would be great. Thanks.
My top choices for Wildander (not including the 2 core heros) are: (first part is Hero Ability || 2nd is Hero Feat and I'm short handing it a bit to save typing)
- Tobin Farslayer (Promo): 3+ spaces away, surge +2dmg || 5+ spaces away (after dice rolled) deal +3dmg
- Laurel of Bloodwood: Each ranged attack w/ distance greater then total needed gets +1dmg || (action) Perform a ranged attack, it can't miss even on an X
- Tatianna (Dungeon Quest): Each attack +1 range, each ranged attack on you -1 range || Use after def dice rolled against you, ignore def of highest die rolled.
- Vyrah the Falconer: You have the Sky Familiar (Sky can force 1 attack/def die reroll then Sky comes back to you, remove from board) || (action) Skye does a mega attack and you roll 1 blue, red, and yellow die, attack gains surge: stun. Target must be adjacent to Skye.
2nd choices would be:
- Tetherys: You may always roll attack dice before target rolls defense and you can change your target as needed once || Use on a 2nd valid target, both are affected by your attack
- Lindel (Dungeon Quest): Attribute rolls, you roll 2 gray rather then 1 black and 1 grey die || (action) Perform an attack, rather then rolling attack die (blue) place die as you like and roll rest of dice normally.
- Red Scorpion: End of turn suffer 1 fatigue to recover 1 health or suffer 1 dmg to recover 1 sta || When attacked, force moster to reroll sum or all of dice, new result must be used.
The rest of the conversion heroes are either really good for Thieves or could be debatable as Wildanders but it could be a waste of their hero abilities/feats. These are just my top choices that I would go with.
Thanks for the reply. Wow Tobin seems like a beast. Yea I've played a thief almost all the way through the campaign. It's a cool class but I a lot of the abilities seem too situational to near useless for me. At any rate I'm looking at trying the Wildlander next time cause they seem pretty efficient and powerful.