(Recruiting, Skype) 2 Characters needed for a 'Theme/Radicals' Rogue Trader game!

By Gavinfoxx, in Rogue Trader

[Recruitment/Seeking] 2 Characters needed for a 'Theme/Radicals' Rogue Trader Skype game!

Hi there, this is a thread to help recruitment for a very, very, nonstandard Rogue Trader game. Here are some things you should know about this game and the ways it is nonstandard:

1.) It will be over Skype, but it won't be a traditional 'be here at this particular time' sort of thing. While the GM wants to encourage people to be online at a particular time and place (this time is not yet set up), we will be using skype as more a way to keep track of a 'play by post' sort of game, where people can post to the chat at any time, and even describe things that their character does retroactively, like a play by post (ie, 'before this character speaks up, my character says…'), while simultaneously allowing the benefit of chat-based gaming for those who CAN be online at a particular time of the week, to get more in-depth character interaction. After all, many of the existing players are in a fantastically wide array of time zones! Still, the idea is that, 'we wait for most of the people to get a post up before making any big changes or moving on or doing something meaningful', so that those who can't do a live chat aren't left in the dust.

2.) It will be a Rogue Trader game, with the standard 500 starting XP. However, there are a number of houserules that we are using, which we will describe via chat. This is especially relevant to calculating your starting stats and your actual background path choices, but there are other house rules to know too. Don't worry, you'll get all the info before making your character. Also, we will be sometimes drawing some rules from some of the other non Rogue Trader books, but mostly only doing that on an 'as needed' basis.

3.) We are looking for two classes right now. Primarily, an Explorator (the game will _not_ be able to get off the ground unless someone is playing an Explorator!). Secondarily, a Navigator (this particular game is very much exploration themed, but the Explorator is a MUST for the concept! If you are leaning towards Navigator but could do okay with an Explorator, pick the Explorator).

4.) This game, as described earlier, is a 'theme' game. What this means is that we have a basic overarching story that we want to tell with this group, and it isn't just, 'make a standard explorator and jump in'; everyone has been (thus far) making characters together, as a group, so that they fit in with the story and the concept, and have some history together. We'll go into more detail a bit later (ie, if you want to join in), but the short of it is that the Rogue Trader has been collecting Idealistic Radicals who have a plan (or at least a dream -- but an idea that is plausible is a good start) to go to a place where they can conceivably break some rules, in order to achieve the goals of making money, doing something to reduce the amount of stagnation in the imperium, and improve the lives of some group of people that the Imperium doesn't seem to care about. A real sort of group of renegade (heretics? not chaos based, though) types that want to do well by doing good, as it were.

Anyway, if this idea tickles your fancy, please just reply or PM me, and I will give you a private message with the contact information of the DM, and some more info!

Terribly sorry for not having contacted your GM during the weekend, was a bit too busy with a local festival and girlfriend moving in and the joy of talking to her mother about it.

I'm interested in both, and honestly think I'd love playing either of them. The explorator I'm interested in because I LOVE the way tech priests and magos are presented in 40k books such as Word Bearers: The omnibus and the preheresy book about the Luna Wolves although that role was alot smaller and thus not elaborated so much.

The navigator is also interesting, I've recently made an astropath in another RT pbp and found both psyker classes in the corebook very interesting. They're alot more specialized and I just adore the way they've changed psykers from the powerhouses of DH into niche classes bringing skillsets no one else can really supply, and thus finding a niche that many others also have.

My experience in Rogue Trader is somewhat limited I'm afraid, but I do have a pretty firm grasp of the overall fluff and lore through the boardgame, the various core and supplement books I have read and played. Those being mainly Dark Heresy and Black Crusade, although I have read some/most of the RT corebook and recently aquired Into the Storm and Koronus Battlefleet. There will obviously be gaps in what I know about the Rogue Trader system since I haven't played it extensively so if you feel I won't make a good explorator due to that I understand completely.

If you want a character sheet just tell me what format, I get the overall vibe so background will be no problem to write up.

Well just add him -- or me, I'll PM you my skype name -- and we can figure something out. I have multiple people interested in answering this call, so you all can negotiate out what you want to do or not…

Hey! I usually just lurk on these forums for homebrew suggestions and campaign ideas, but I needed to register just so I could reply to this. Very very keen!
I don't have the most experience ever in playing any of the 40k RPG's, the only groups I know of are all D20 groups. I have tried my hand at GMing some Black Crusade but I think that playing the game with someone else GMing would help me sink into the groove of a 40k RPG's a lot better! The reason I am so keen as that ever since I had a gander at the RT core rule book the two classes I have most wanted to play with are an Explorator and a Navigator.
I would be happy with either, and could send you character sheets if you like. I have had fairly boring university units this semester and have been working on character concepts while I should be studying (I can't get the idea of a Navigator Scion on the run from his house out of my mind).

I am a massive fan of the fluff, and very interested in what life would be like for those operating just outside of the Imperium's grasp… for now. I have access to most of the books (the big one I am missing is battlefleet koronus) and while I do live in Australia so time difference might be a problem I am fine doing a play by post if you are all up for it!

Let me know by PM if you are still wanting another player!

I'd be up for it and I have several character concept pitches that I'd be up for, but it all depends on flexibility. I have both a Stormtrooper and Skitarii Assassin concepts that I'd love to play one day, although both would require significant houseruling to be viable (there is no Assassin or Stormtrooper careers, and the Stormtrooper concept also makes use of my own Schola Progenium homebrew). I also did an Explorator background that somehow became a short story , once - I should even still have him statted somewhere, I think (Yes, I stat up character when I'm bored). I also have a concept for a False-Man mutant Missionary, masquerading as an Ogryn, melee and fellowship-based. And also a Arch-Militant/Reaver (dedicated to what he thinks is a spirit of life, but is actually a great unclean one) that after I rolled up with managed to start with 42 insanity points (and the resulting minor insanity) and a Fellowship of 24, that pulls a bit upon the Black Crusade rules and would require very little homebrewing (basically I'd want to switch around some advances of the Arch-Militant, because WS is more fitting than BS and TO fits the concept better than AG).

Out of everything I've ever played around with, the only thing I'm completely unprepared for would be a Navigator. But that in no way implies unwilling. I can play absolutely anything and a radical campaign would fit me with a glove, since I enjoy concepts that either are not malicious but still "clearly" heretical, or those that slowly descend towards the path of damnation (such as my Reaver, who is by no means a nice person, but would definitely not give himself to the ruinous powers willingly).

There is only one caveat; I have very little practical roleplaying experience.

I do, however, know the world very well (Lexicanum, oh how I love thee) and have access to absolutely every book in the WH40kRP line - except Koronus Bestiary and the Lathe Worlds - in .pdf.

If any of this (or I) sound interesting and as long as there's still room in the group, feel free to drop me a line by Skype ( rebel.entertainment.inc ). I do love myself Explorators and finally having a reason for a Navigator would be equally awesome. And if you have enough firepower in the group or my Reaver or Skitarii sounds like too much work (or work-arounds) or rubbish, my third pick would be a very non-combat-y Seneschal/Aquisitionist.

FYI… starting Rogue Trader characters. IE, RT characters with 500 xp, using the RT rules. If you want something from some other book, we can figure out ways to import the rule in question…

I love it. If you still need players…

Players? No. Maybe a Backup GM, though! Anyone interested?

I'm kind of interested in anything. SO what its gone be?

Gavinfoxx said:

Players? No. Maybe a Backup GM, though! Anyone interested?

Why not just GM a second game, given the interest…

I'm preety much open to all sugestions even if I will have to be agian GM.

Fgdsfg said:

Gavinfoxx said:

Players? No. Maybe a Backup GM, though! Anyone interested?

How would someone be a Backup-GM without also playing or sitting in on the games?

Uh, they would be sitting in, yea? Or have access to the chat history, at least? Anyone who is interested in that, PM me with your Skype Screenname… (we haven't heard from the GM for a while…)

Any spaces left? I would play any of the archetypes.

Okay, just saying: currently have:

Rogue Trader: Lord-Captain
Explorator: Enginseer Prime
Navigator: Warp Guide
Seneschal: High Factotum (also XO)
Void-Master: Bosun (also Void Marshal)

Possibly interested in whoever else might want to join!

Well, we have a GM for the Rogue Trader radical game, but several of the players seem to be quite absent. We NEED players who can post regularly on Skype. Please respond to me if you think you can manage!

The previous message about what we have is null and void.

I'm intrigued. I can play anything, I have a Missionary concept and character already made up for a game that died after one session but I can play anything required really.

Seems interesting enough to try, an' I always hang around Skype. Where do I sign up?

Hi everyone who replied to this or PMed me because of this -- We are looking for a GM, ours is having MAJOR internet issues. I haven't gotten the mailbox with the new forum software to work, so could anyone who wants to GM possibly email me at my screenname with an at yahoo dot com at the end, or text me on skype, which has the same screenname as this?